"Juiced" - Game publishing delays

2 October 2001
Most of you awaiting the arrival of JUICED should be aware by now the original publisher of the game "Acclaim" has filed for bankruptcy. Fortunately this won't seriously effect the release of JUICED; they just need to find a new publisher.

According to Electronics Boutique in Sydney, Australia, "Take 2 Interactive" will publish the game.


Still no release date is set, but this is good news for those of us waiting to "rice and dice" the NSX & other popular cars in JUICED. :D
NeoNSX said:
I agree Dave. The beta was crap.
We'll see how the full version fairs.

Now that I have a Force Feedback Wheel, they better include that. I doubt I will ever buy it though because of how bad the demo was. Live for Speed is still the best PC racing game.
Chalk another one up for Live for Speed, ever since i got my Momo i've loved that game!
Also, i went to the Penny Arcade Expo 2 weeks ago and got to test out Forza Motorsports, it was alot of fun and should be an interesting challenger to GT4
paladin said:
Chalk another one up for Live for Speed, ever since i got my Momo i've loved that game!
Also, i went to the Penny Arcade Expo 2 weeks ago and got to test out Forza Motorsports, it was alot of fun and should be an interesting challenger to GT4

Is Forza Motorsports coming out on the PC?
Scared me with the title NEO. It still has next week for the release date (I'm getting it from new zealand) It has had some good reviews so i dont know about the crap part?
I have the full version of Juiced on XBox (don't ask), and it is actually a pretty good game. The nsx is tough to control, of course I just bought the car so i have only level 1 mods on it. My s2K kicks some butt, but once it started getting more and more power, it was harder to control (makes sense). Once you get further in the game it's mostly domestic cars. it's not a bad game.
How the hell did you get it? (say don't, then i want to!) It was delayed yet again from where i pre-ordered it.......until MARCH next year! I cancelled it and ordered burnout 3. I need something to play until Halo2 (unless you read my 'other' thread! ;))
If you dont tell us how you got it youre getting a negative point :D lol
NeoNSX said:

Maybe <B>EssTooKayTD</B> knows something about the leaked version of HALO2 as well??? :D


Maybe <B>AJ</B> you don't have to wait afterall. :p

Thats obviously a fallacy of logic there Neo, and heres why.
#1. EssTooKayTD has an nsx, and therefore shows high degrees of intelligence :D
#2. The Halo version was French, of all things.

therefore, I conclude that there's NO way he could have managed to steal the wrong version! Brilliant!

After getting to play Forza and seeing GT4 getting so close, my excitement level for Juiced has gone down a peg or two