Join us on Saturday, January 13 for the first NSXCA “WELCOME IN 2007 Party”

Thanks for the Map Steve,

My wife and I are staying overnight on the QM. We are going to try to get there early, check-in time or sooner, to relax and check out the sights. So, I may beat you there. Anyone else going to get there early?

Looking forward to meeting everyone,

Cant wait till later on today....hopefully i will have my car ready.......
Thanks for the parking directions! Im going to be heading out around 1:00 and get there early to check into our room. I just called the hotel and they have rooms available now. Looking forward to having a great time!
Had fun seeing everyone it was good times.....:smile: Good meeting the two Roberts, Anytime, Steve, Jon M, and everyone else.

It took 40 mins just to get into the parking lot :eek: :tongue:
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Eric, thanks for the great pictures as always, you are the best! :smile: It was nice to see both the old folks (me and Donna) and the people we hadn't met join in, thanks to John and Steve for putting this together. Gil
That was Alex's F-car. I didn't even know he had one until he pulled in next to me. Pete rode with me.
Thanks again to everyone who attended:smile: We may do that again!:wink:

Because some of the attendees left before the Trivia contest was completed, here is a summary of the results.

The winners of the Trivia contest are as follows:

6th Place Keith Jarrett $10 Gift Certificate
5th Place Manny Fernandez $10 Gift Certificate
4th Place Eric Iwasaki $10 Gift Certificate
3rd Place Timothy Thi $25 Gift Certificate
2nd Place Scott Mackerras $50 Gift Certificate
1st Place Robert Cicarell SOS Shift Knob (donated by John Richards)

Thanks again:cool: