john edwards affair - is it anybody else's business?

He wouldn't be the first President of the United States who was a liar. Wait, he won't ever be POTUS.

She whose name must not be mentioned is not on the list for VP.
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Can you say "the two faces of John Edwards" :)

As long as you assume all politicans are sleezebags and liars, doing whatever they can to get elected, then you won't be dissapointed.

In all seriousness, the fact that the media (and we) focus on this more than the fact that the Soviet.. ergh.. Russia is invading a country where thousands of people are dying, as I type, with potential long term geo-political consequences.. is telling.
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Re: Uh, well, let's see............

From what I gather the girl he had the affair with he paid 114k per year to video tape his campaign.

i believe it was 114k total for some shitty stupid "behind the scenes" bs to post for his campain on the web, and what i gather from the people that know her talking about her on the news, is that she use to be quite the whore "use to party hard, etc etc" so i really doubt edwards had to pay her anything more than the salary:tongue:

talk about "behind the scenes":biggrin:
He can do whatever he wants and I could not care less. However, you can't be a leader and a hypocrite for very long and I think his 'fan base' is justly angry because he didn't exactly do as he preached.

Otherwise, the other 99.999% of $hit like this is just that and I don't want to hear about it and I sure as HELL don't want to hear about it on TV when I'm trying to get financial news.
Ah.. moral character ,what is that?.Should anyone be able to live a lie,have your cake and munch away?Politicians,getting votes means winning hearts and minds.his wife is fighting cancer,and works tirelessly for him and other causes,so he rewards us all by boinking some babe :confused::rolleyes::mad:
Several people have been on television saying if were know before, Hilary Clinton would be the Democrat's ticket now. So, perhaps it was a good thing?:wink:
Several people have been on television saying if were know before, Hilary Clinton would be the Democrat's ticket now. So, perhaps it was a good thing?:wink:

is that because it seems like major democratic male leaders have a problem keeping it in their pants?:tongue: and her husband already got it out of the way :eek: ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing:wink::tongue::biggrin::eek:
THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS GOING TO BE SOME ONE'S BUSINESS!!! Maybe not yours, maybe not my, but some one in the law enforcement agency.

The girl was paid big bucks by the campaign managers, and apparently, it wasn't taxed.


Tax Fraud.

The girl was given a million dollar home by the campaign


Campaign finance violation

One of Edward's advisor took the fall - By claiming the kid is his.


He will be F..ked once the money from the Campaign is cut.

There will be some sort of campaign financing investigation.

Edward may get jail time.
Several people have been on television saying if were know before, Hilary Clinton would be the Democrat's ticket now. So, perhaps it was a good thing?:wink:

Doesn't really matter, both of them will loose to McCain.:biggrin::wink: