john edwards affair - is it anybody else's business?

Of course it's our business. He was a front runner for the Democratic nomination, and probably on the short-list for VP selection (but not any more).

If it was just some dude -- I wouldn't care. But at his level this is national business.
I have mixed emotions about this. I think he is a slug. I really feel bad for his wife, and that's compounded by her medical condition. Also feel bad for his children.

On the other hand, he WAS a political/public figure. I really don't think he was a contender for a VP position. I am sure the people around him knew what was going on and because of that he wouldn't be vetted.

That being said, I always thought he was a slug, even before this news came to light. Interesting that you-know-who is suddenly on vacation in Hawaii and won't have the opportunity to comment on this news.:rolleyes:
Its only our business if we value Fidelity and expect our leaders to set the moral example for our nation.


I can't look up to a national icon who claims he values family values for america, when he doesn't care about his own famiyl values.

I care about family values but I'm not a national icon, so I can do all those bad things......
He was a scvmbag attorney before he committed adultery. Him along with every other politician who can't keep their peckers in their pants deserve to be burned at the stake.
I say it's none of our business. HOWEVER if he lies about it then yes it very much becomes our business.

I'd sooner trust the guy who says, yup I cheated on my wife, I will make sure the situation is taken care of to see where my responsibilities are. Then actually follows through!

I will not trust the guy who will lie about it, deny it, let alone tell people to live a lifestyle that they themselves do not adhere to.
It's not my business but i guess since most people need to know every time Paris Hilton isn't wearing panties or how much Lohan has to drink each night then i suppose this is news too.:rolleyes:

I would have thought that when Clinton got busted that this sort of thing was old hat but i guess if some sleeze ball reporter can make a buck selling it then it must be "news".:rolleyes:

Personally i think we as Americans concern ourselves WAY too much with what is going on in everyones personal lives and DON'T concern ourselves enough with the important things that we should be focusing on.

A perfect example is a flight that i recently took with my wife and daughter. I spent the flight reading Ben Hogans five fundamentals of modern golf and my wife wouldn't shut up about the celebrity gossip magazine she was reading. I guess it gives her something to gab to her sisters about but i couldn't help but think to myself, couldn't you be using this time to better yourself rather than filling your head with useless information that only makes you seem stupid by repeating it?:confused:
A perfect example is a flight that i recently took with my wife and daughter. I spent the flight reading Ben Hogans five fundamentals of modern golf and my wife wouldn't shut up about the celebrity gossip magazine she was reading. I guess it gives her something to gab to her sisters about but i couldn't help but think to myself, couldn't you be using this time to better yourself rather than filling your head with useless information that only makes you seem stupid by repeating it?:confused:

I assume your wife doesn't frequent this site.:wink:
Sex is the final frontier in the USA.

You can be President and sully your country's reputation by authorizing torture--and the public will yawn. But cheat on your wife, and watch out.

If you're convicted of a sex crime, you may be required to register with police any time you move, so that your neighbors can know. A guy who lived two doors down from me had done prison time for shooting someone, but there was no reporting requirement in his case.
Objectively, sex scandals don't really have any bearing on a person's ability to lead in politics.

But since this is politics, everything about a politician's life is open to public scrutiny.

And in America, these things do affect a person's political career.

I personally don't think it should, but it does.

People who think that our politicians are the wholesome people they portray themselves as need a reality-check. They are human just like anyone else.
You can be President and sully your country's reputation by authorizing torture--and the public will yawn. But cheat on your wife, and watch out.
Ain't that the truth. But I think the saddest thing is that he was setting himself up as a potential president. Had he won the nomination, and then this scandal came out, he tubed his party. Pure selfishness. I, for one, thought he was a pretty good candidate. Ron
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I don't care about the John Edwards affair. His sex life is of no interest to me.
A judge may not care for the case he is judging, but he will have to make a decision regarding the matter.

He is representing the people who voted for him. People will most likely not vote for him if he was caught two years ago. If he was elected as Democratic Presidential Nominee, his party would have killed him. You cannot be a public servant and expect not to be under the microscope for moral ethics related matters.

Sorry, you didn't answer that question. You don't have to care for it to make it your business.

Interestingly, the Republican lost the control of the congress during the last midterm election was mostly effected by the sex scandal of a Republican congress man. The media (CNN/MSNBC) was all over it. What goes around comes around. Until yesterday, many media corps were telling the world how wonderful it would be if John Edward was selected as a VP candidate.
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just as cnn said i will say:

the medias been sweeping it under the rug for a while, and we all know(dont kid yourselves) if it was a republican it would be all the news, all over the news papers, etc etc etc etc
While committing adultery was certainly wrong, he seems to have worked the issue out with his family. I'd still treat him the same. No one is perfect or above reproach and there are skeleton's in everyone's closet. To admit that kind of thing to your spouse takes a certain amount of courage...or stupidity, I dunno. I am no John Edwards fan but I can respect his honesty with his wife (even if it's just this single instance). Sometimes people's lives are defined by a single act, and I don't think this is his "life definition."

Whether it's public business or not is irrelevent - it's out there and he and his family have to deal with it. That's the price he's paying for making a bad decision while in public view. We all want our leaders to be morally incorruptable but it'll never happen in every instance and every situation.

Life is messy.
I think it's funny. Anytime any republican gets caught doing something, there is an outpouring of people who pi$$ and moan about evil republicans. But anytime democrats get caught doing something... well then it's nobodies business. What's good for the goose..... :cool:
Normally I would not really care; however, since he had a strong moral, ethical platform......"live by the sword-die by the sword" I say. I do feel sorry for his family.
It seems that the Dems are more than often the ones caught up in this sort of stuff. Or does it just seem that way since the Spitzer thing is still somewhat recent?? Loose morals I tell ya!

People in power, these two as well as Larry Craig, should know better than not to behave in certain ways. Did they know that taking office means lots of attention? This is especially true for Edwards. He ran for the highest office twice, how did he think he could hide this when being surrounded by people and the press all the time? Dem party could have been devastated had he beaten Hillary and Obama for the nomination. It is good that he didn't get it though because this shows a massive lack of judgment on his part, and a true leader needs good judgment. I believe his next step is to withdraw from public service, which seems imminent anyway.

This is definitely our business because he was serving our country and representing our people. He betrayed our trust and our values. How do people who voted for him in '04 and in the primaries feel? Duped! I agree that tabloid celebrity affairs and sex sandals are really useless news, like the recent A-rod & Madonna bit. Who really gives a flying...? But this is definitely different.

And to think I actually liked Edwards. :mad:
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