JGTC Live Picture Thread

I'm still working on my photos, but I finally uploaded all of my shots from 12/17 and 12/18 on my ImageStation account. The rest will be posted in this same album sometime in early 2005. Happy New Year!

Here's a taste of the latest:


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2slow2speed said:
BTW: Did anyone get interviewed by the 2 folks on the first picture of post #5 by CDX_NSX on this thread either on Saturday or Sunday? They were at the Speedventures event on Friday interviewing folks who were tracking Honda cars. They spent time asking questions about Honda/Acura products perception of the product, etc, etc.

Gan-san of Best Motoring fame was also seen around the NSXs on Saturday, did anyone take a picture of him or with him that they could share?

Our group was sitting right on top of the hot pit area where he was standing and we were able to get his attention, hehe :D. I think that Ryan of SROMagazine took some pictures so maybe he will be able to share later on this thread.

I was interviewed by the 2 gents from the press on Sat. It was very
interesting the reporter translated everything for the photographer so
it was a long interview and he thanked me by presenting me with a
collector pin in Mr.T Hondas handwriting that has the Japanesse char
for the "Dream" way cool.
Well, it took about two weeks (and the beginning of a new year :D), but I finally found the time to edit and upload my pics from GT Live.

You can find them here:

There you can find pics of the NSXCA club parking area, race and drift action, various cars, and a small assortment of vendor and umbrella girls. ;) Hope you enjoy, and Happy New Year.

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And here's a few:




FuryNSX said:
Well, it took about two weeks (and the beginning of a new year :D), but I finally found the time to edit and upload my pics from GT Live.

You can find them here:

There you can find pics of the NSXCA club parking area, race and drift action, various cars, and a small assortment of vendor and umbrella girls. ;) Hope you enjoy, and Happy New Year.



Excellent photos, now that you have time, would you please email me some in hi-res.???

[email protected]


FuryNSX said:
Well, it took about two weeks (and the beginning of a new year :D), but I finally found the time to edit and upload my pics from GT Live.

Kewl, Randy!

By the time I'm done, I figure I will have spent two weeks of actively processing the damn RAWs and finalizing the shots in Photoshop. Perhaps the time has come for us to charge for our services? :eek:
akira3d said:
Kewl, Randy!

By the time I'm done, I figure I will have spent two weeks of actively processing the damn RAWs and finalizing the shots in Photoshop. Perhaps the time has come for us to charge for our services? :eek:
Hmmm, you got me thinking...... ;) I just might have to do that.
This may sound strange, but I only just now finished uploading the last of my photos from day two of last year's GT Live event. Crazy, eh?

Go view all 234 of my shots


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    6640 ...the Garaiya drops a wheel off the edge.jpg
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    6705 Takata Dome NSX nearly drops a tire off the edge.jpg
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    s Supra joins the drop-a-wheel-in-the-dirt club.jpg
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    6719 PIAA NSX also touches the edge of the tarmac....jpg
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awesome pics!
wish I could attend a JGTC event.
NSXBOX said:
wish I could attend a JGTC event.
As they are planning to set up a real GT world championship (the former JGTC, now called Super GT, will already have a test race this year with the FIA GT cars) there may be a chance in the future that these cars may even come to Australia (Surfers paradise? Bathurst? Would all be cool places!). Wouldn't that be a blast to see the NSXs together with the Maserati MC 12, Saleen S 7, Ferrari M 575 etc.?
Hey Randy, THANKS SO MUCH for giving me a chance to see SPEED's coverage of GT Live. As I watched it, I was lamenting the fact SPEED didn't appear to cover our parade lap...when, lo and behold, I see Pete wave from my passenger seat as I drive my NSX right by the camera!!!!

Here are frame grabs from SPEED's Inside GT Live. In the video, you can clearly see the camera mounted on the driver's side window of my red NSX, but it's a little blurry in these grabs. The last frame is from my car-mounted video showing the guy who must have been shooting the footage for SPEED:


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I saw that SPEED coverage as well...haha, never noticed my car door open before until I saw the first picture you posted...lol

I cant wait to see if we can do this again one day soon...GTLIVE Rocked!!