JGTC Event at Cal. Speedway NSXCA Christmas Party? Dec 18-19

SIgn me up plus 1 guest. l will probably go on Sunday only, so if someone would like my Saturday tickets let me know...
I would really like to go but there is no way im going to drive my car through the rocky mountians in late december. I could fly there but it would be so much more fun if i could drive.
I'm in.
PAID! I can't believe it took me this long to get around to doing so either...
There is a Speedventures track event the day before the JGTC event on the very same track. I'll definately be attending this event for a first hand knowledge of what it feels like to drive the track. I'm assuming I'll be able to mingle around the pits a bit as well.
Info here: http://www.speedventures.net/12-17-2004_event.asp
PS I just paid for my wife and I for the JGTC event.
Steve, Can you give us an update on confirmed NSX's? Thanks again for the lead. ;)
Just emailed info for myself and my son...see you there! Mike
LA area, Y2K_ NSX,

This should help.

Ca AGNSX said:
If you are not an NSXCA member and you would like to be part of the "Club Event" you will need to pay and additional $40 to attend and you will become a member of the NSXCA!

The cost of the event is $65 for each car and driver. Your passenger (if any) will need to pay $50 for a 2 day pass or $35 for a one day pass. Your $65 will get you a 2 day pass and access to the Club parking area and all of it's benifits.

Sign up and payment must be received by no later than October 15, 2004. If your signup and payment is not received by that date you will not be able to participate in the "Club Parking" event and you will need to purchase your tickets directly from JGTCUSA directly.

Now, about the process of signing up...

I need you to send me a personal e-mail to [email protected] and provide me with the following information no later than Octobder 15,2004 :

1. The name of the NSXCA Member attending (and your NSX Prime screen name if you have one)
2. Your NSXCA Region affiliation
3. The name of your guest (if you are bringing one)
4. The year and color of your NSX (Only NSXs will be admitted to the parking area)
5. Your e-mail address
6. The size of a Polo Shirt for you and your guest​

Payment Details:

Payment can be made by Check, Pay Pal or Credit Card.

$65 for 2 Day pass for Car and Driver (NSXCA Member)
$105 for 2 Day pass for Car ad Driver (Non-NSXCA Member)
$50 for passenger for 2 Day pass or,
$35 for passenger for 1 Day pass

(e.g. Car, Driver (NSXCA member) & Passenger for both days $115
Car, Driver 2 day pass with Passenger for 1 day $100)

If you would like to join us without your car please let me know
and I will get you hooked up with someone with an open seat.

Check Payment:

Send Checks Made out to "NSX Club of America" with "JGTC Event" in Memo area to:
NSX Club of America
P.O. Box A3416
Chicago, IL 60690-3416​

PayPal Payment:

Go to http://www.paypal.com
and submit your payment to the e-mail address: [email protected]
Subject = JGTC Event
Type = Service​

Credit Card Payment:

Fax your Name (as it appears on the card)
Credit Card # and Expiration Date
with the ammount to be charged
and a note indicating the payment is for "JGTC Event"​

to Fax # (847) 869- 0302

If you have any payment questions Contact Ken Sax

If you have any event questions please contact me at [email protected]

REMEMBER, get your payment and Information submitted before October 15, 2004!
