James Bond - Casino Royale

21 June 2005
I want to say, that based on what I've read, Casino Royale looks to be a real winner. The Pierce Brosnin movies were o.k., but they suffered from tasteless product placement ( James Bond would never drink Smirnoff or be issued a German car ) and although Brosnin looked the part, he came off like an actor trying too hard to be James Bond, instead of the natural machoness of Connery or the snobbiness of Moore. Apparently, Casino Royale will be a more organic action adventure w/out the over the top b.s. that characterizes action movies these days. Daniel Craig looks to be a good choice.
I don't know..I love Pierce Brosnan as 007 as well as Sean Connery. I grew up on Roger Moore but definitely loved his predecessor and as well as his replacement even more. From the pictures alone..I just don't see Daniel Craig stepping up to that role. I've never heard or seen any of his films but he better not be another Timothy Dalton because that STUNK as bad as Ishtar!
Wheelman said:
I don't know..I love Pierce Brosnan as 007 as well as Sean Connery. I grew up on Roger Moore but definitely loved his predecessor and as well as his replacement even more. From the pictures alone..I just don't see Daniel Craig stepping up to that role. I've never heard or seen any of his films but he better not be another Timothy Dalton because that STUNK as bad as Ishtar!

I agree with wheelman, I grew up in England and loved the james bond series with Roger Moore and Sean Connery. Timothy Dalton sucked, he just lacked something to pull off the bond. Bronson was good and I thought he should of done the next installment, guess time will tell how good Daniel Craig is but right now I don't see it.
Pierce Brosnan revived the Bond films... the gap between "License to Kill" and "Goldeneye" was the longest gap between any of the films, and apparently there were legal issues that stalled production. Take into consideration the end of the cold war, and everyone thought James Bond was dead & irrelevant. So we should be thanking Pierce for keeping the legacy alive.

I personally think the last couple of Bond films have been too formula-driven, stylized, "emotional" and lacked any raw edge. Putting Madonna in the last one crossed the line for me. :p :D

As for Timothy Dalton, i know a lot of Bond fans hate him but i like how his films re-introduced a sense of "danger". He has the look of a "dangerous man" in his eyes - not really suited to the classic Bond character - but he looks edgy like he might explode in violence at any momenht. He had the impossible task of bringing the series back from Roger Moore's almost comical episodes. If he'd tried to continue Roger's character with Roger's wit, it just wouldn't have worked.

This new guy looks like a mis-cast. I personally think either myself or Clive Owen would have been a much better choice. ;) So let's hope he doesn't stuff it up, otherwise he'll end up doing another "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". :D

Otherwise, i give my vote to this guy as the next James Bond.... :D
James Bond and Batman are my heros. The recent Batman Begins really depict how Batman should be potrayed. I hope the new Bond should be better than before and more realistic. Pierce Brosnan have been having the Bond persona since his old tv series Remington Steele.
It wasn't really Brosnan's fault..all the recent bond movies have one central problem..shitty scripts/plots. If focused more on writing a decent film and dialogue rather than explosions, gadgets and trying to be cool it may actually not suck.