Jackass 2 question

21 June 2005
in the bungee jump sequence, who hits the water first-Preston or Wee man ?
The 1st sequence or the 2nd sequence?

All I can remember is that Wee man is attached to a bungee that is "anchored" by Preston. Wee man jumps. As Wee man decends, Preston is pulled down and hits the water- immediatley afterwards, Wee man slams the water because Preston has pulled him down. I can't remember if Wee man hits the water on his initial plunge before Preston is pulled down........
I believe Preston. Look for a clip on youtube. My bro just showed it to me the other day.
wee man jumps, as the rope goes taunt and wee man slings back upward slightly, preston goes down. As preston is tugged down and falls with the force of gravity, wee man is slung back upward with the force of the bungee cord and they pass each other mid air. Close to the water the cord goes taunt and Preston smacks the water and slings wee man HARD into the water. Here's the video, too tough to describe but preston hits the water first because wee man never touched the water on his initial jump.

the answer is...NONE!!! none of them hit the water, but rather the water hit them instead:D

All I can remember is that Wee man is attached to a bungee that is "anchored" by Preston. Wee man jumps. As Wee man decends, Preston is pulled down and hits the water- immediatley afterwards, Wee man slams the water because Preston has pulled him down. I can't remember if Wee man hits the water on his initial plunge before Preston is pulled down........
Thanks for clarifying everything......My work's server firewalls youtube...so I couldn't check the clip myself........
sounds liike there's a bet in the air?!?! :tongue:

and btw, AWESOME SCIENTIFIC documentation koolaid!!! :biggrin:
Sorry to disapoint everyone, there was no bet -just a question that came up in a discussion about the movie