It's official: NSX track day at THill on May 27th

Re: "All in good fun" (Hrant's favorite phrase)

Kip Olson said:
Hrant & Al , I to would like to thank you guys....

Well, since Hrant has invoked my name, I'll make this one observation: Yeah, Kip, you need to lavishly kiss their butts after you so unmercifully blew their skirts up as you lapped them, not once but twice a session.

But hey, on to other headlines, my sources tell me you had to withdraw from the Andrie Challenge. Too bad you had to make do with that old technology Comptech car instead of your own. And, you could only best Brian (looking good) Butts by 2 seconds a lap. That must have been tough.......or should I be looking into this theory; he paid you off !!! redface:
Re: "All in good fun" (Hrant's favorite phrase)

Super Sleuth said:
Well, since Hrant has invoked my name, I'll make this one observation: Yeah, Kip, you need to lavishly kiss their butts after you so unmercifully blew their skirts up as you lapped them, not once but twice a session.

But hey, on to other headlines, my sources tell me you had to withdraw from the Andrie Challenge. Too bad you had to make do with that old technology Comptech car instead of your own. And, you could only best Brian (looking good) Butts by 2 seconds a lap. That must have been tough.......or should I be looking into this theory; he paid you off !!! :redface:


Kind of hard to tell about laptimes given that some folks did not have any transponders or hot lap timers running during the event.

But I know that Kip walked all over me when I tried to chase him down and I was doing 2:08's consistenly with a couple of 2:07's and 2:06's sprinkled when there was no traffic, so I'm guessing that Kip was probably in the 2:03's-2:04's with the Comptech demo car, that's still about 5 seconds off the pace than with his "Red NSX From Hell" (TM) :cool: (Kip does sub 2 minutes without the bypass, and the bypass is faster by about 2 seconds, so that's the equivalent to about 2:05's or 2:06's without the bypass), but he was still the fastest NSX out there on Friday as predicted :D

Kenji was in the 2:09's running with street tires so that was pretty good too.

During the last Advanced/High Intermediate session we had a train of NSX's tearing up the track: Andrie with a passenger leading the train followed by Kenji with a passenger followed by me. During the first timed lap we were in the 2:11's, 2nd timed lap we were in the 2:10's, got tired of being behind Kenji so I dive bombed him going into turn 10 and started to put the pressure on Andrie, we then got into the 2:06's for a couple of laps before Andrie had to slow down because his "borrowed" car started to overheat :( (mine was close to overheating too, but not quite there fortunately) It was a short time but it was the highlight of the day :D

Thanks to all who helped set this day up, who showed up to drive and to hang out. It was great to learn a new track, spend some time with the NSX community down there and connect some faces with their Prime handles.

Hope to join the sub 2:10 club on my next trip south, I would guess I am close, still need to work on the 'pucker factor' for the bypass :eek: . I will echo Ken's experince on the last session, too much fun, with some of the best close passing I have had the pleasure of experincing.

Till next time...
Hey all! I just got back from the long weekend! Thanks to Hrant and NSXCA for the great event. My student said he had a blast and nobody damaged their cars which was nice! Anyway it was a great day for sure!
grand prize ....... complete issues of all NSXDrivers.

Small point of clarification: these were the NSXtra Newsletters from 1992 to 97; a true labor of love put out by a gentleman in Texas pretty much all on his own. Damn, wish I could remember his name now; :confused: Curtis, I believe. Met him at NSXPO 97.

Anyway, it was a pre-cursor to the NSX Driver. Also, being way before NSXPrime and even before the lists got going good, I really looked forward to these every month. Ah yes.........back in the day................
Ok, I've stood by the sidelines long enough!

First and foremost, I'm glad to report that I've NEVER seen Kip work so hard for over a full lap (no traffic) to finally make the pass in turn 1...after Hrant waited to put me out in front of him initially! Whoever stated that Kip was 2 second faster than I was way off. I timed it at 1.76 :rolleyes:

Seriously, I haven't had that kind of fun since the 5/04 Reno-Fernley event with Ken, Kip, Ted (who still had his X) and Kenji. We had some good battles out there (until Kip learned the track). :mad:
Running with Kenji on Friday was a blast! Again, Hrant put me out in front of him on cold tires and wanted to see me work...on my out lap!!! As a matter of fact, I hearby formally request that Hrant no longer has Marshall duties. He actually made me wait, by sitting me out until Kenji was coming...with warm tires! :mad: I'm sure he's done that to many of you - or I'm I the lone lucky one?

Nevertheless, let's make it a point to have such numbers show up at future events! It seemed that fun was had by all who attended and the only bruises were egos (of sorts). :redface:

Gotta get back to work - as lunch time is over! :cool:

L8R Everyone!

- Brian
Brian, you are better off if you use my 16D excuses ...... surely you are not getting back at me for the "can you go faster" comment at dinner ........ :redface: :tongue: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Let the record state that often placing boy racers with ego behind or in-front of others has been by special request, you are not the only one who has waited in the hot pit :wink: and I am known to take bribes too :biggrin:

maybe next time we should say that you aren't allowed to talk smack unless you run AMBs. :)

As for this time, I didn't even have to resort to using my "backup" excuses.

I watched the laptimes of those running AMBs from the timing tower... I know who you guys are.
Thanks, Hrant for getting so many of us out on the tract. It was a hoot!
Andre thanks for giving my Son and I a ride in your Civic, as that is something we will never forget. Geeze! :cool: Thanks for the great instruction and patience. It must feel like I'm driving an old Cadilac to Andre after racing his Civic soooooooo frigin fast! :biggrin:
Sounds like I missed out on a fantastic event. Unfortunately, I've only got about 2500 miles on my '05 and thought it prudent to wait until I have at least 7500 miles on car before taking it to the track. Maybe I'll make it to a track day later this year or early next year.

Sounds like I missed out on a fantastic event

Well hurry up and do about 150 miles a day and you'll be ready for next month's event. The Northern California Racing Club has been a strong supporter of us NorCal NSX folks. Check out their website ( and start making plans.
Re: "can you go faster"

Hrant, now back off!! When a :cool: guy like Brian looks, acts and dresses this good, he don't have to go faster. :wink:


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