It's Back !!! 7th Annual NSX Spring BBQ Sunday, May 19

Yesterday my Thunderbird club went to a new auto museum in Corona- Day Family Classic Cars. They own 150 cars and they are shown in fancy settings. Since we drove 88 miles one way my wife does not want to drive that far again today and since I do not want to drive alone we will not make it. Sorry.
No pics yet? I spent half the day sleeping, the other half cleaning from the after math of my shindig lol.
Thank you Gil and Donna for hosting this event! Thanks everyone for coming out and bringing food for us all to share. Another spectacular day in the OC.
Thanks to Gil and Donna for hosting us again. Good friends, stories and great food.

The answer to the trivia question of the day? "Kobayashi"
Had a good time as always. Lots of great food and people. Thanks Gil and Donna.
Thanks Gil and Donna for hosting the event again. Had a great time and the food were delicious.
Donna and I want to thank everyone that brought all the great food, we all had a lot of fun, thanks for coming! Gil
Pics or it didn't happen. But seriously, no pics anyone? Someone had to snap Hugo stuffing his face lol