Its a boy!!!

19 September 2006
Nashville, TN
Friday morning at 8:20am my wife gave birth to our first child. His name is Gabriel Nathan Wimsatt. He popped out weighing 6lbs 14.5 ounces. And was 19.5 inches long. He came about 3.5 weeks early, as we were due on Sept 30th. But, both the mom and son are healthy.

The labor was very, very fast as it only realy lasted about 2.5 hours. Mom was strong and determined to go natural and she did great.

Anyway, we are heading home in a couple hours, then it will definitely sink on the car ride home, that I am father. I hope I figure it out.

Here is a picture of our little boy.

Congratulations! Glad to hear all is well.
You are a very lucky man. Beautiful family. Congratulations!

Best Regards,

Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing the wonderful news.
congratulations on becoming a father, nathan - easily the most difficult and rewarding job you'll ever have in this life time.

great looking family - take lots of video over the years and savor the moments as they occur.

as for being a father, you'll figure it out just fine :)
Congratulations! Gorgeous kid and family. You'll love being a father - don't sweat it so much. It's not easy but you'll wonder what you ever did w/o your kid around. :biggrin:

Again, congratulations!
Beautiful family...congrats!! When is your NSX for sale? :tongue:j/k


Haha, I just had my LoveFab kit put on a few weeks ago, and I was just contemplating selling the other day. However, I am not, at the moment, and will stick it through.

Everybody else, thank you for the congrats and blessings. Last night was our first night at home, and reality really sunk in quick. I actually got 5 hours sleep last night :eek:

So, we are pretty happy. But, either way it is a blast and a scare all at the same time. The coolest part is that when we figure something out, we really feel good and proud as parents. It is very rewarding.
Congrats! My advice? Don't read the books. They'll just mess you up. As long as you aren't a total idiot, instincts will kick in and you'll do great! :wink:

Oh, and you might want to double check with the wife about your son popping right out and the labor only lasting for 2.5 hours. I'm sure it didn't feel like that to her. :biggrin:

Congrats! I think that being a parent will be great! I found out 2 weeks ago, that my wife is pregnant with what will be my first!

All the best!

Nate in DC
Congrats! My advice? Don't read the books. They'll just mess you up. As long as you aren't a total idiot, instincts will kick in and you'll do great! :wink:

Oh, and you might want to double check with the wife about your son popping right out and the labor only lasting for 2.5 hours. I'm sure it didn't feel like that to her. :biggrin:

I have yet to read a book on parenting, and I never will. That is just me.

Oh, and dont worry, my wife was the one who was bragging about the quick birth. :biggrin:

Congrats! I think that being a parent will be great! I found out 2 weeks ago, that my wife is pregnant with what will be my first!

All the best!

Nate in DC

Hey Nate,

Congradulations!!!! You wil be thrilled, I promise.

Thanks to all for the kind remarks. Everything is great!
Congrats. I just had a girl, she is 3 months now. My 84 year old friend, who had 7 children, is a wealth of knowledge. I asked him what his best advice was on having a baby. He said to never wake them up to admire them.