It is 76 degress right now. I love SoCAL!


Mike - I'll get you one of these next time I see you. It's quite the trend in Monterey Park apparently!


LMAO!!!!!!! That was great Regan
Here are a couple of videos I took of the drive. I apologize for the wind noise. I was enjoying the weather :)

I was also using my phone so the quality of the video isn't the best. Better if seen at 480p.

I'm glad I was able to catch up with you guys later in the day. Thanks John for waiting up!

Did you guys eat at Bob's Big Boy in West Covina that day? I saw the same cars parked in front of the restaurant on my way to Sears. Almost ran through the stop sign while staring at the cars. lol...:tongue:
Did you guys eat at Bob's Big Boy in West Covina that day? I saw the same cars parked in front of the restaurant on my way to Sears. Almost ran through the stop sign while staring at the cars. lol...:tongue:

No, we ate at Califofnia Pizza Kichen, where the good food is:tongue:. We just parked in BBB parking lot cause there was no one else there and knew the cars would be safer there.
Maybe it's time for you to move the the northeast where you can enjoy those "nice" winter days there:tongue::biggrin:

If I didn't have my commitments here, I would have a long time ago....but not the Northeast....maybe Houston or Seattle...........Then again unlike most Californians, I was actually born here.....It makes me feel unique :biggrin:
Had a great drive with everyone! Great videos! It's really cool to see my baby cruising down the highway...Sorry about your loss Angel. I'll more than likely join for the Feb 20 drive, but you guys drive a little more spirited than I do, so I'll pull up the rear...
