It finally attracts a female of the species.

22 February 2002
Coming out of a store, there was a group of boys around my NSX. As I open the door, this fair hair lady walked up and said "that's quite a car you got there youngman, it looks like a full size version of my grandson hotwheels." Yep, it finally attracts one, except she's quite a few years my senior. She asked about all the "holes" and the big "bar" on the back, to which I sheepishly replied to the effect that on a real race car, they would have real purpose, where as on my they were mostly just for look.

- Nguyen
Nguyen Nguyen said:
Coming out of a store, there was a group of boys around my NSX. As I open the door, this fair hair lady walked up and said "that's quite a car you got there youngman, it looks like a full size version of my grandson hotwheels." Yep, it finally attracts one, except she's quite a few years my senior. She asked about all the "holes" and the big "bar" on the back, to which I sheepishly replied to the effect that on a real race car, they would have real purpose, where as on my they were mostly just for look.

- Nguyen

Don't say that! :eek:

Never down play yourself or your stuff. :p

You didn't buy your car to attract females did you? ;)
Did you get her number? I have a "MILf"... ummm...... art film I bought once. (It sounded like a good idea when I bought it) hehe :D

Ya, I still got it ;-). She wouldn't give me the number anyway, since there's an invisible ring on my ring finger and a baby seat on the passenger side of the NSX. BTW, what's MILF? I did a quick check and found:

MILF: man I like to fragg
MILF: moro islamic liberation front
MILF: mother I like to find

none of which seems appropriate.

- Nguyen