Is this too expensive?

12 December 2003
Just got some quotes on some items from Courtesy Acura in Denver for some service items for a 91 NSX but they seemed a little high. Any guidance and/or input?

- Replace valve cover gaskets and cam plugs - $1050

- PPI - $208

- ABS Service - $190

- 60K Service (including timing belt) - $2400
monteman said:
- Replace valve cover gaskets and cam plugs - $1050
Don't know.

monteman said:
- PPI - $208
Sounds like they're charging for two hours labor. If they really spend two hours inspecting the car, checking compression etc, then it's worth it.

monteman said:
- ABS Service - $190
I'm not even sure what that is.

monteman said:
- 60K Service (including timing belt) - $2400
Since a 60K service is usually $900-1200, and a timing belt and water pump replacement is usually $1200-1600, then that's reasonable, right in the ballpark.
The valve cover gaskets and cam plugs is a little high, I'd expect closer to 800, but that's based on the work, every dealership is different.

I'm guessing your valve covers are leaking?

TB/60k Service is also on the high side. Outrageous, no; high side, yes. Get a part break down to make sure you are at least getting everything possible that you want/need.

I don't know what the ABS service is either, is something wrong with it?

PPI, what does that include? A compression test would cost the majority of this, but I doubt that is a standard part of it. You may want to get results of this before you bother doing the TB incase the results are sub par.
I recently had a service done on my 91 nsx. I had valve cover gaskets replaced, all cam plugs, and vtech o rings replaced for 5.0 hours labor and $119.59 in parts. Far from your quote. I'm sure some of these other guys can be more help on the other items you have listed as I have not had to do those items yet...but the dealer is one of the most expensive places to have work done. However that is part of owning an nsx. I fortunately have a shop in San Diego that specializes in the nsx so I didnt have to go to the dealer. I'm not sure if you have any other options in your area but I would definitely spend the money to have it done right instead of shopping around for the cheapest price. If there is nobody else in your area that knows the nsx, I would have the dealer do the work.
I don't understand the charge for cam plugs while doing the service. I had my 6 year service done and they charged me about $150 to do the cam plugs while they were doing everything else.
Dtrigg said:
I don't understand the charge for cam plugs while doing the service. I had my 6 year service done and they charged me about $150 to do the cam plugs while they were doing everything else.

Dtrigg brings up a good point. The price I paid was because I was not doing the t-belt at the same time. I know some mechanics will replace the t-belt in the car but most remove the engine. Those prices may be to do each item seperate. If the engine is out to do the t-belt which it looks like from the quote you have been given then the valve gaskets and cam plugs would be way too high. You may want to ask the dealer about that.