is this NSX a good buy?

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Not enough info to answer. I'd want to know things like whether all the maintenance is current, snap ring status, title status, overall condition, any current problems or features that don't work, the status of the usual problem areas, etc. It's not worth buying it for $23K if you have to put another $10-15K into it to make everything work properly.
Not enough info to answer. I'd want to know things like whether all the maintenance is current, snap ring status, title status, overall condition, any current problems or features that don't work, the status of the usual problem areas, etc. It's not worth buying it for $23K if you have to put another $10-15K into it to make everything work properly.


I'm surpised the owner only posted very little information about the car. At least the clutch has been changed out. I would contact the owner and ask if he has receipts, etc.
This almost looks like a primers car that is for sale right now. I'm surprised like the rest that there isn't more info.

If it hasn't been maintained then it is possible that it may need 10k but my guess is that would be a maximum number. I'm guessing of course but it looks clean but no interior shots and none of the engine bay. Not the best sales photos and I don't particularly like Craig's list fo anything.

If you only need around 5 to 7k in the car to make it perfect or perfectly up to par on maintenance - it's a good deal and if the interior is nice - driver's side bolster then it's a very good deal.

Bottom line: there are a lot of unaswered questions with this one. Call him - it could be a very nice one.