Is this not the sleaziest thing to do?

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
I am neutral on the Schiavo thing (felt really sad for her), but this really takes the cake.

List of Schiavo Donors To Be Sold.

If I was a donor, I'd be PIIIIISSSSSEEEED.

If you expressed your support to Terri Schiavo and her parents fight to keep her alive, you may begin to receive a steady stream of solicitations, according to a Local 6 News report.

Terri Schiavo's parents have agreed to sell their list of supporters to a direct-mailing firm, Local 6 News reported.

The company, "Response Unlimited" pays about $150 a month for 6,000 names and $500 a month for 6,000 e-mail addresses.

A spokesperson for the Schindlers confirmed that they had agreed to sell the information, but won't say for how much.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
That is absolutely ridiculous!!! These people sent wishes and prayers for their daughter and now they are going to be flooded with solicitations. What is this world coming to? :rolleyes:
wow, i have a tough time believing that they would do that. what a way to thank your supporters.
"Thank you for your support, now bend over."
Disgusting and if it's true, I can't think of an acceptable defense from the parents.

Just awful.
As if you couldn't tell that this family is crooked? Sorry, but anyone who keeps their child alive for thier own personal interests/gains is sick in the head. From a medical stand point, I watched in horror as a nation fought for a life that was not even there. Unbelievable.
I knew they were money hungry....
Is this not the sleaziest thing to do?___YES!!!___

hmmm... Such greedy & classless antics are going to give the right-to-life movement an unsavory image, just by being connected to these people in the past. That is sad. For the past few days, I was very much displeased and even angry at the husband for being so rigid and cold towards the in-laws (ie. regarding cremation of the body; secret location of the remains, etc). I now can sympathize w/ him, of what he must've been going through for all those yrs 'handcuffed' by people delusional and ignorant to reality... and also knowing his in-laws intentions much better than anyone else.

The real tragedy was over 14yrs ago, but another one is unfolding as we speak. I'm quite confident that if funds or contributions in the past destined for the care of the now deceased were misused or misappropriated by her parents, there will be some nasty litigation ensuing for accountability & principal! grrr... :mad:
I hope this is untrue. It is a shame to see these selfish and pathetic parents continuing to scar their daughter's reputation for their personal gain. :mad:
I agreed with letting her die. I do not agree w/ the method. They should have dosed her w/ Potassium and killed her instantly. Letting her dehydrate and starve is barbaric as hell.

I would have expected a loser like her husband to sell those names. I wouldn't have expected that out of the parents.....and for what????? The negative publicity would WAY overshadow the few thousand bucks they received for the sale of those lists.
caseycarson said:
I agreed with letting her die. I do not agree w/ the method. They should have dosed her w/ Potassium and killed her instantly. Letting her dehydrate and starve is barbaric as hell.

Unfortunately, that would be murder, or at least manslaughter.
Re: Is this not the sleaziest thing to do?___YES!!!___

Osiris_x11 said:
hmmm... Such greedy & classless antics are going to give the right-to-life movement an unsavory image...

One of the tragedies I saw with this whole circus is that there was no distinction made between those who wish to protect the unborn, and those who are against suicide, mercy killing, right-to-die, etc. The James Dobsons of the world did a dis-service to the anti-abortion cause by grouping it with these other scenarios. I have no problem with someone choosing to end their own life, be it through suicide, smoking, or a living will. They make a consious choice. The unborn don't make this choice. To not distinguish between the two does great harm to the latter.
PHOEN$X said:
Why do you think he is loser? Perhaps you should read this reporter's perspective before the whole thing became a circus.
thanks for the link, interesting reading.

i've never felt her husband was slime, but felt i didn't know enough about the situation to form a knowledgable position.

That link came from Abstract Appeal, which contains the most unbiased account of the Terri Schiavo case that I've seen.
i lack the time to read through that entire material, but thanks for the posting.

Read the facts, then form your opinion.
sadly (but naturally, i'm afraid), opinion's are often represented as "fact", so i'll hold off on accepting a blogger's pages as fact for a bit.

that said, i:

* think these kinds of situations are *horrible* for all involved - and there are no winners except the lawyers and the publicity hounds.

* have made it clear to my family and friends that should i ever be in a similar situation, someone needs to put a pillow over my head and shoot me, or alternatively, force me to "watch" reruns of the roseanne barr show - either would have the same net result.

* as far as making the names of supporters available, while i don't agree with it (and think it's pretty damn cheesy), it's quite likely that those who are "up in arms" over the schiavo case would like to "rally 'round the cause". if they handled it properly, they it would be very easy to create an email blast to those who have offered their support, allowing them to opt in/out at their wish; default would be out. the parents could have the fee donated to a charity they support.

again, before anybody flames me on any of this, i do not support doing this, but believe it's their choice.

be well, all.
queenlives said:
sadly (but naturally, i'm afraid), opinion's are often represented as "fact", so i'll hold off on accepting a blogger's pages as fact for a bit.
That's true, and we may never know all the "facts", however that page is an unbiased account of the Schiavo case as I've seen.

I also agree, the whole situation was extremely sad. I would not want to be kept alive in that state. Even if I was not in a PV state, and I could not communicate, I would want to be put out of my misery rather than suffer in solitude (I think there was a Metallica song about this).
PHOEN$X said:
That's true, and we may never know all the "facts", however that page is an unbiased account of the Schiavo case as I've seen.

I also agree, the whole situation was extremely sad. I would not want to be kept alive in that state. Even if I was not in a PV state, and I could not communicate, I would want to be put out of my misery rather than suffer in solitude (I think there was a Metallica song about this).
yup... life, huh?
caseycarson said:
I do not agree w/ the method.

The method was and is standard procedure in medicine. I am currently a medical student with some pharmacy background and all patients that go to hospice do not get nutritional support (no TPN or feeding tube) or fluids. I found it strange at first but it is indeed the norm.

I too find the selling of the names very appalling.

I'm not sure if there is another thread on Prime currently on this subject or if anyone has seen her CT scans but here is one that has been floating around on the internet. On the left is normal and on the right is Terri. You dont have to be a doctor to see what's wrong.


caseycarson said:
I agreed with letting her die. I do not agree w/ the method. They should have dosed her w/ Potassium and killed her instantly. Letting her dehydrate and starve is barbaric as hell.

I originally thought the same thing. However, after talking to several physicians that I work with, that method doesn't seem so bad. They do not starve to death but do dehydrate. Their kidneys end up shutting down and they die of an arrhythmia. They do not suffer pain from what I was told, rather they become lethargic and sleepy.
hlweyl said:
I originally thought the same thing. However, after talking to several physicians that I work with, that method doesn't seem so bad. They do not starve to death but do dehydrate. Their kidneys end up shutting down and they die of an arrhythmia. They do not suffer pain from what I was told, rather they become lethargic and sleepy.

That is good to knoow.