Is this normal? 20% of rotors not wearing

If there are centering tabs on the pads then they need to be aligned with the piston slits. Sorry if someone else has said this.
A caliper is a just a simple clamp and and brake pads are not precision machined parts so a little uneven ware until everything can find its place is perfectly normal.

This was noticed with just 150 miles? I think BrianK hit the nail on the head.

I have seen this with my track car, a Miata. I replace pads and rotors pretty darned often. I go out and bed them in per instructions, usually a few 30 MPH stops with medium pressure, then a few from 60 MPH with medium pressure, then a few from 60 MPH with hard pressure (never coming to a complete stop). Usually the pads, by this time, are smoking (that's the intention, get them hot in a controlled fashion) hot. I let them cool, then drive around for a few days on the street in advance of a track day. I see exactly the same wear pattern as your photo. I usually don't get the pads all the way even across the rotor until I've either driven the car around a lot on the street or have done a 1/2 hour session on track.

That said, I did have this problem with my NSX, except mine had the opposite problem. My car's calipers would have the pads touch the rotors only near the hub, leaving the outer area of the rotor untouched. Made the car a b*tch to get stopped at track events. This was happening well after pads should have been bedded in. And then since the inner part of the rotor was hot and the outside relatively cool, the rotors would crack, every time, every event. It was maddening (and dangerous). I finally gave up and fitted a new set of everything (and since have retired it as a track car).

I never did conclusively determine root cause, but I did discover later that the grease on the slide pins was like glue. Apparently, I did not properly evacuate all the old grease when I changed to track pads and switched to high-temp synthetic grease. I don't know if that is your problem, but do check the slide pins for abnormal wear and proper lubrication.

But realistically, I'd drive the car a few hundred miles more before concluding there is a problem.
Hello jdmdohcpower

After all the comments and speculation about the cause of the problem when may we expect an update?
Did you install new rotors?
Are the pads now wearing in the center of the rotors?
Inquiring minds etc.
Sorry guys, Yes it seems the new rotors solved the issues. Thanks again for all the help.
I don't think there is anything wrong with those calipers. That's nuts and I am 100% sure that is an incorrect diagnosis. Those calipers were in perfect working order and they stopped my car as good as my current Stoptechs with the worse pads. What does that even mean? "they are junk". Do you know how many OEM calipers see the track day after day after day and never have issues? Ask Ken Sax. Ask Ryneen. Ask RSO34. There are so many guys that track on the OEM calipers.

I'm a little late to this topic but just happened to read through it and saw my name referenced so I figured I might as well throw in my .02.

I have a '96 with 145,500 miles including 100+ track days and 11,000+ track miles. I am an Open Tracker so I am pushing the car close to its limits on a regular basis. I am still using the same OEM Calipers from 1996 without any issues.