Is this from Honda or another mechanic..Mark Basch??

16 September 2002
Anaheim, CA USA
I swapped out my front valve cover on my 92. Saw these initials/numbers


Are these from the original Honda engine builders or Joe mechanic? :confused:I am not the original owner. I know Mark Basch worked on the car before but don't know if he did anything under the valve cover. If you are out there Mark...please advise. Thanks!!

Interesting...I saw the same marks on a 2000 while the SC was being installed last weekend....I don't recall seeing these marking when the Timing belt on my 1997 was being replaced.

Another NSX ???

I have markings on my caps in the same place, and in the same pen color. Different characters though. The previous owner was certain the timing belt had never been done, so it seems it came that way from the factory.
Since several reliable members had reported seeing the numbers on their cam caps, I decided go through my achive of pictures from previous head work to see if I could see any markings......sure enough, this photo from an SOS cams seal install shows the markings. This car was a 91 and has never been to Mark B for any maintenance. Must be factory. These say NN48. I'd be interested to find out what they mean. So much for my memory.

Thanks to all those that have replied. Would be interesting to get input from the guys that see these regularly....Autowave? Mark B? Larry B? SOS? Jon Martin? Long shot, any way to ask NSX Club of Japan?
