Is the NSX actually a daily driver?

2 November 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
My question is this: Is the NSX actually reliable enough to drive every single day: to work, to a restaurant, out with a friend for the weekend to do some hiking in the mountains and then back for dinner.

I'm not looking for practicality... I already own a small car and have no use for a bigger one. But I'm concerned about the reliability of a 15 year old car that I'm going to be spending around 30K-35K on. In the back of my mind, I'm convinced that it's a Honda, and it'll hold up.

Any thoughts from the people here where the NSX is your only car?!
The NSX shares much technology with the 1991 Acura legend...would you buy one of those for a daily driver??....most 91 Legends have 200k miles on them by can find many 91-94 NSXs with low miles....and still many miles left to go..:smile:
Yes, many owners use their NSX as a DD. The car is regarded as reliable! Just be prepared, if something does need mechanical attention, it's a bit more expensive than that Legend mentioned.
The NSX has been my only car now for almost 7 years, I use it for trips to work, groceries stores, Home Depot, whatever is needed. The car has been more reliable than any other car I or my family has owned.
The NSX has been my only car now for almost 7 years, I use it for trips to work, groceries stores, Home Depot, whatever is needed. The car has been more reliable than any other car I or my family has owned.

There ya' go...
burbel said:
The NSX has been my only car now for almost 7 years, I use it for trips to work, groceries stores, Home Depot, whatever is needed. The car has been more reliable than any other car I or my family has owned.

Exactly what I was looking for. My Talon has been giving me recent problems and I'm sick of dealing with it. Guess I'll be picking one of these up earlier than I thought. :smile:
Although it is not my only car, it is my daily driver. My wife's Sienna steps in when things wont fit in my 02 NSX, but my car has been seen loaded to the gills coming home from Home Depot, too.

They're only cars and they're made to drive. Its just as fun driving it to Home Depot as it is anywhere else.
I notice you're in Canada and youll deal with lots of snow.

user Meeyatch1 drives his in the snow hehe

It can be done!! enjoy your NSX
In 1996, JD powers associates ranked NSX #1 as the most reliable car over Lexus LS400.

NSX is my daily driver since 2002.
It's daily driveable if you're not worried about door dings. I'm personally afraid to park mine next to other vehicles in fear of terrible dings. I usually make it a point to park in spots where dings are not an issue (streets and not parking lots). Regarding reliability, if you follow the general recommendations from Honda, you'll have no problems. Enjoy.
I personally do not drive mine on a daily basis because I can't afford to go out and buy another one anytime I feel like I need to make this one last as long as possible...also I don't really like driving it in pouring rain or trying to stuff groceries in it.....It's My opinion that having a beater car to abuse is always a good idea ..unless you have nowhere to park it:frown: ..JZ
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Mine is a daily driver. I find door dings easy to avoid completely by being a fussy parker. What I can't seem to avoid is rock chips on the front clip. No matter, a DD isn't going to stay perfect for long and will inevitably collect minor damage. I'm not finding it hard to keep the car in topnotch mechanical condition. Yet.
I've only got one car.

it's extremely reliable, but not 100% practical.
if you can deal with driving a *very* low-slung, two seat, rear drive sports car everyday then it will put a smile on your face every time.
0ctan3 said:
I've only got one car.

it's extremely reliable, but not 100% practical.
if you can deal with driving a *very* low-slung, two seat, rear drive sports car everyday then it will put a smile on your face every time.

I like impractical cars. Saves me from being a chauffeur for my friends. :tongue:
i have a 95 nsx with 150,000 miles on it and you can drive it tomorrow and think you are driving a new car. no squeeks, rattles, just pure enjoyment. i have owned or driven just about every sports car around and nothing is more dependable, reliable, yet practical. if you dont want to buy one, don't drive one because if you do, you are hooked.

Hell yeah its reliable. I have 93 with close to 130,000 miles on it. I got it back in late september and i've racked up close to 15,000 miles on it, driven her back and forth across the country, and driver her everyday.

I just changed the rear brakes yesterday, and she's due for a new clutch soon and new rear tires, which i'll be getting done while i'm deployed next month.
In 1999 drove my old 93' NSX from Orlando to Monteray, CA and then back to Orlando. Total distance ( with some detours in the Rockys ) around 8k miles in 2 weeks. No hickups or flats along the way:smile: NSX=Very reliable.
Just buy one already!!!
Thats me blasting pass you on your way to work every morning in mine.
I left it in the garage yesterday morn because of the ice pellets that came down, but it was out last nite to go get groceries at the Italian Centre and out to dance lessons. Its here at work with me now. I drive mine everyday that I can, because tomorrow, I might not be here.
So, just do it!
Trev in Edmonton, your town.
I think if you live in a warm weather climate, it COULD be a daily driver. I rarely drive mine. Im limited to miles by insurance, the weather is only good here from May to August. I drive an 05 EVO daily and use the NSX as a toy, I enjoy its company more this way. I travel alot and I dont like putting the miles ot it. 92 with 44k-you can do the math. I also have a lead foot and drving a supercharged NSX daily could get me into trouble. Im also narrotic about the condition of my car and dont like rock chips, door dings and scratches. I have Sparco seats in mine and daily driving would be a pain in the ass. Suspension by Comptech and with all the potholes and shitty road surfaces makes for a rough ride. Mine is more of a "something ive always wanted" than a means of transportation.