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Is RJP around?

8 March 2006
Has anyone heard from RJ? wanted to get some R parts and I can't get a hold of him. Is he on vacation or something?
Same here. He did not response to my PM. Does he has an email address?
Sorry guys.

I'm around but have been terribly swamped with the day job. If anyone needs to contact me, please send another PM or email.

For what it's worth, my wife feels like I'm not here either :smile:

Sincerely, RJ

PS - email in the sig is still good.
need JDM goodies...


I've tried PM's & emails in the past week or so. Good to hear that all is well w/ you, relatively speaking. I just sent another email to [email protected] inquiring about a few parts. Please reply whenever you find convenient.

Thanks, in-advance! :cool:
around the way...

I received an email back from rjp. He stated that he's expecting his usual lot of stuff in 4-5weeks.

rjp, I'm game for a JDM navigation pod (w/ vents and hardware) as well the '02+ NSX-R chassis bars (both of them w/ associated hardware)... :cool:
Dear RJ,

I also emailed you a few days ago to get some stuff from you. if you get a chance...let me know. thanks, H3
RJ , when you get a chance I need a nav pod asap , so call me when you get a chance, also - v/c ?