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Here is my .02, I installed 1997 headers on my 1992. Take it for what its worth. Having known then what I know now I would have purchased a nice gently used set of CompTech headers.
If you are getting OEM headers consider the following:
1. Spend $ on aftermarket headers
Labor is the same or more if you use factory headers.
2. If you do decide to use Factory Headers, re-Weld the Factory OEM Headers
The factory OEM headers are tack welded and can crack at the seam, I brought my headers to turbochargers.com in Houston and they put a bead weld all the way around.
3. If you do decide to use Factory Headers, Jetcoat them (ceramic coating)
4. Install them yourself
Just saw a great write-up posted in the DIY forum
Here were the costs involved (it was GROSSLY more expensive than I had anticipated when all was said and done).
NSX Prime Used Heades 19K Miles $350
SoS EAP-665 1997-99 Header Conversion Kit ($274), O2 Sensor Extension Harness Kit ($79) + Shipping ($8) Total $361.
Delray Acura Zanardi Rear Sway Bar (required if you plan on using catalytic converters from 1997) ($82.39) + Shipping ($8.95) Total $91.34
Turbochargers.com Labor to weld headers Total $150.
Jet-Hot Ceramic Coating ($235.00) + Shipping ($34) Total $269.
(2) 18115-PR7-A02 Gasket, EX, MAN ($53.84), (2) 18212-SA0-003 Gasket, EX PIP ($19.04) (2) GSKT 52.5MM-53 ($28.86) Total $101.74
David McDavid Acura Labor $735.00
Headers + Installation $2,058.08
After installing the headers I decided that I also wanted a CompTech Exhuast.
I purchased the Comptech Exhaust for $944.09 shipped, and dealer installation was $225.00.
Exhaust + Installation $1,169.09
Grand Total $3,227.17