Is it just me....

13 December 2011
After only owning an NSX for 2 days, I have been stopped in traffic, hailed at the gas station and flagged down in parking lots for people to say:

"Heyyyyy, what kind of car is that??! Its beautiful...."""

I mean heck people stop traffic to let me pass by LOL. :biggrin:
Welcome tO celebrity status, I actually love it
Absolutely, constantly. Never from women though, the NSX is a total dick magnet.
It doesn't happen that much here in SoCal (at least to me). :redface:
Pretty rare for me here. More older lady comment on how pretty it is here then guy. Dunno y. Like ladies that are retired. Not young lady.
It happens sometimes but not often in NYC.
it happens all the time for me here. had a guy literally get out his car at a light to come over to tell me my car looks so good last night. if i had a gun i probably would have shot him. i thought i was about to get car jacked.
I've only had mine for 2 weeks, but the same thing happens. I'll even have my garage door open cleaning up my shelves, whatever, and some neighbor I don't know will drive by and yell "hey man nice car!" and then drive away.

I keep getting people taking videos of me with their camera phones when I'm on the highway driving to work (I take it to work every Friday, its glorious) :smile:
Absolutely, constantly. Never from women though, the NSX is a total dick magnet.

first time I took mine out 3 years ago, my buddy in the passenger seat pointed out that I was only getting looks from bros, no girls, oh well