Is anyone updating / responsible for Prime??

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
I have been wondering for a LOOOONG time if anyone is in place to update Prime, or be responsible for its appearance and inquiries?? Everything on the opening page is from 2004!! To people just seeing this site for the first time they may assume it is small and out of date. Also, I have sent several inquiries to Prime with various questions and requested a reply but have never received one after months of waiting. I really love this site, and want other newcomers to love it too. Could anyone help me with figuring out what is going on? Thank you. :smile:
actually, i'm hoping the '04 nsxpo pic doesn't get updated... it's kinda grown on me :)

in all seriosity, updating a site as big as prime is a very large project, made all the more difficult if it's got years of spaghetti code / patches holding it together that need to be re-discovered / unwound / re-connected in a new frame. finally, a bitch to get on top of if it's not full time endeavor (don't believe it is).

the good news? it continues to remain the best nsx site available and performs well.
I think it makes sense to just elimate the front page and have it redirect to the forums.
NetViper said:
I think it makes sense to just elimate the front page and have it redirect to the forums.

Dave,I have thought the same for along time also,we can always retain content and link via the forums instead of the other way around?
queenlives said:
actually, i'm hoping the '04 nsxpo pic doesn't get updated... it's kinda grown on me :)


Yeah. My car is the black one in the front row. I'm perfectly happy with things the way they are! :biggrin:
I think it would be nice to have a "exhaust sounds", "wheels" "aftermarket head units" etc. stickys or picture reference areas to help eliminate redundant traffic on the forums. I hope the home page is updated or eliminated as well. It's a great forum (the best). Lud's done great. I just hope it stays fresh and updated for future users. Just my $.02.