26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W
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I went to Las Vegas last year for Halloween and saw 2 Iron Man costumes that looked SO real it was mind boggling. If you want to see some of the best costumes of your life… go to Vegas for Halloween!

Oh yeah, the females like to push the envelope as far as possible as well :wink:
I went to Las Vegas last year for Halloween and saw 2 Iron Man costumes that looked SO real it was mind boggling. If you want to see some of the best costumes of your life… go to Vegas for Halloween!

Oh yeah, the females like to push the envelope as far as possible as well :wink:

I'll vouch for that! :smile:
Do share.


One of the first trial suits made, takes about 3 days. Currently have the whole team from HALO REACH made, including Army of ONE masks and Suits from The Last Samurai.
One of the first trial suits made, takes about 3 days. Currently have the whole team from HALO REACH made, including Army of ONE masks and Suits from The Last Samurai.

I need someone to make me a full scale suit of Nemesis from Resident Evil Apocalypse. I think it would be a great Halloween costume. :biggrin: