Iron Maiden Coming to US in October - Pre Sale Info

Wellcome back Hugh...who is "GNR" for Rush?...gimmie a break..they have one song with 67 differnt titles...:smile: never could sink my teath into Rush....he sings most the songs in the same tone and range so it just gets boring after a while. David gilmore has a voice I could listen to for hours and hours.....Paul Hewison (Bono) has an interesting story too..because he couldn't sing at all when he joined the band but he wanted it soo bad that he trained himself and callosed his vocal coards to make his voice.
zahntech said:
Wellcome back Hugh...who is "GNR" for Rush?...gimmie a break..they have one song with 67 differnt titles...:smile: never could sink my teath into Rush....he sings most the songs in the same tone and range so it just gets boring after a while.

Guns N Roses. As for your comments about Rush we are 180 degrees apart. Geddy's voice is definitely unique but he uses what he's got pretty well. The lyrics and musicanship place them in the legendary status of rock bands. You need to "listen" to their music from a different perspective. But if it's not your cup of tea I understand.
Hugh said:
Guns N Roses. As for your comments about Rush we are 180 degrees apart. Geddy's voice is definitely unique but he uses what he's got pretty well. The lyrics and musicanship place them in the legendary status of rock bands. You need to "listen" to their music from a different perspective. But if it's not your cup of tea I understand.

Yeah I can hear that they are great musicians and they play very tightly together..but I guess I just can't wrap my ears around the vocals.

yeah Guns and hair band ever!
Hugh said:
Guns N Roses. As for your comments about Rush we are 180 degrees apart. Geddy's voice is definitely unique but he uses what he's got pretty well. The lyrics and musicanship place them in the legendary status of rock bands. You need to "listen" to their music from a different perspective. But if it's not your cup of tea I understand.

Umm, I believe it is "Mr. Guns N Roses" to us peasants. :wink:

I do remember hearing a little bit about Pert/Rush a while ago, now that you remind me. Tragic for sure. So is being a drummer and losing an arm, but... :rolleyes:

Hugh - I'd be curious as to why Maiden is so meaningful to you. I am a STAUNCH believer that music both shapes and records momentous parts of our lives. I can pinpoint artists/songs that were favs during transitions in my life, and WHENEVER I hear them, it instantly brings me back to whatever what was going on at the time. That's why my tear-jerker "Hole" reference posting. 1999/2000 was a tumultous year for moi, but I loved the NSX, loved the ridiculous NSX Files stories (along with all my coworkers), and watching the VA city hillclimb to "Hole" just kinda stuck during a transitional time... :confused:
Ski_Banker said:
Umm, I believe it is "Mr. Guns N Roses" to us peasants. :wink:

I do remember hearing a little bit about Pert/Rush a while ago, now that you remind me. Tragic for sure. So is being a drummer and losing an arm, but... :rolleyes:

Hugh - I'd be curious as to why Maiden is so meaningful to you. I am a STAUNCH believer that music both shapes and records momentous parts of our lives. I can pinpoint artists/songs that were favs during transitions in my life, and WHENEVER I hear them, it instantly brings me back to whatever what was going on at the time. That's why my tear-jerker "Hole" reference posting. 1999/2000 was a tumultous year for moi, but I loved the NSX, loved the ridiculous NSX Files stories (along with all my coworkers), and watching the VA city hillclimb to "Hole" just kinda stuck during a transitional time... :confused:

I will never forget when my sister took me to see U2 in a small theater in Seattle for the "WAR" tour..and seeing/hearing them play "Bad" for 14mins, My sister only took me because she was suposed to "watch" me that night and had no other choice,..she is gone now, but I will always remember the gift she gave me that night.
Best albums EVER

Hugh said:
On August 10, 1997, Peart's daughter and only child, 19-year-old Selena Taylor, was killed in a single-car accident somewhere between Ottawa and Toronto. His common-law wife of 22 years, Jaqueline Taylor, succumbed to cancer only 10 months later on June 20, 1998. Peart, however, maintains that her death was the result of a "broken heart" and a complete apathy towards life due to the passing of their only child. [1]

And throw into the mix the death of his dog (IIRC) and his best friend (and touring/riding buddy) going to prison and being banned from the US permanently. Minor compared to the other two, but just more stuff to heap on an already bad time.

If you've read his first two books, you will enjoy his third as well. It's a much lighter read obviously than the 2nd, but still very interesting.
Ski_Banker said:
I've always liked Rush (not like some ravenous fans though). Whoever wrote that their LYRICS were what were amazing was spot on. Subdivisions? Distant Early Warning? Manhattan Project? Red Sector A?

That would also be Peart.
Maiden definitely rules!! My all time fav!! Saw them 3 times, 2 recently. The last was at Ozzfest in '05. They played all their older stuff and even my fav "Phantom of the Opera." Glad to see the new tour is stopping in the Detroit area.
Hey! Thread Hi-jack on Hugh!

In no particular order:

Jimi Hendrix, Spencer Davis (when Winwood was there),Jeff Beck w/Rod Stewart, Al Green, James Brown, Charlie Parker,John Coltrane,Rhassan Roland Kirk,The Beatles, Vanilla Fudge,The Rascals,Led Zeppelin, Early pre-Tommy Who, The Band, Rhinoceros, Bob Dylan, CSNY,Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington,The Beach Boys, Alice Cooper, Steely Dan,NRBQ, Ramones, MC5, Cream, Janis Joplin, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday,Tony Bennett, Count Basie, Hot Club of France (Reinhardt-Grappelli), Louie Armstrong, Aerosmith, Green Day, Plasmatics, Parliament Funkadelics, Sinatra,The Fugs, Paul Butterfield, BB King, NIN.

No use for:

Grateful Dead, after Tommy-WHO, after Brian Jones-Stones, Rod Stewart after Jeff Beck, Pink Floyd.
Last edited:
Joe, is that the list of all the guys you played with?:wink:
I would have to add that "Who's Next?" - post-Tommy, was a great album. Surely the song "Won't Get Fooled Again" has to go down as one of Rock's greatest anthems. They did go down hill very quickly after that album, though.
Ski_Banker said:
I am a STAUNCH believer that music both shapes and records momentous parts of our lives. I can pinpoint artists/songs that were favs during transitions in my life, and WHENEVER I hear them, it instantly brings me back to whatever what was going on at the time. :

I have to totally agree with this. Art in general, music in particular. Now, as I am in the midst of middle-age, I look back on my life so far with an eye ( and ear ) towards what was happening to me, and the world, in relation to the popular music of the time, but, more importantly, what was popular to me. I wonder if we'll ever see ( and hear ) another time where pop music reflected so succinctly the social consciousness of the sixties & early seventies. Actually, I guess there really no longer is any sort of positive social consciousness, at least not to the extent it seems to have been all-encompassing during the sixties/seventies.
Ski_Banker said:
Hugh - I'd be curious as to why Maiden is so meaningful to you. I am a STAUNCH believer that music both shapes and records momentous parts of our lives. I can pinpoint artists/songs that were favs during transitions in my life, and WHENEVER I hear them, it instantly brings me back to whatever what was going on at the time.

Several reasons...

I've been a fan since I first heard them 26 years ago. They've only gotten better with age. For the most part their lyrics are awesome. It's not the usual heavy metal trash. They adapt well known pieces of literature (Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner), mythological stories, historic events and write fantastic songs about them. Their level of musicianship is virtuoso quality. Listen to lead guitars playing in harmony on Hallowed Be They Name. The writing and arranging by Steve Harris just blows me away. And then there's Bruce's voice. Pefectly suited for the music, powerful, strong and melodic. Bruce has also written novels, is an Olympic caliber fencer (atone time ranked in the top 3 in Britain) and also pilots a Boeing 737s and 757s often chartering planes to fly fans to concerts. Speaking of concerts, you've got to see them live to believe it. These guys work their asses off. They go on tour almost every year averaging over 100 days per year.

Up The Irons!
NSXLNT said:
I would have to add that "Who's Next?" - post-Tommy, was a great album. Surely the song "Won't Get Fooled Again" has to go down as one of Rock's greatest anthems. They did go down hill very quickly after that album, though.
Obviously I agree, since "Who's Next" is one of my votes for best all-time album, above.

I also think that their "Quadrophenia" just sounds better and better as the years go by. It was mostly ignored at the time of its release - I guess because there were no hit songs and people wanted something that sounded more like "Tommy" - but it's really quite good. If you haven't heard it in its entirety lately, check it out.

Pete Townsend on his homosexual experimentation: "I know what it feels like to be a woman".

There are some things you don't need to know Pete.:biggrin:
Hugh said:
Which takes a few minutes via the link in the first post.

But more importantly it's almost $20 (or whatever 10 british pounds comes out to). I suppose one might consider it a surcharge to get those early tickets.
robr said:
But more importantly it's almost $20 (or whatever 10 british pounds comes out to). I suppose one might consider it a surcharge to get those early tickets.

And the other perks associated with the fan club.
Ok, I've done the research. Studied the data. Done my diligence.

After watching 3 hours of VH-1's "Metal: The Story of Heavy Metal" tonight, I can definitively declare that Guns N Roses is the greatest rock band of all time.

In fact, I think this should be added to the FAQ section since it's indisputable. :wink:
Ski_Banker said:
After watching 3 hours of VH-1's "Metal: The Story of Heavy Metal" tonight, I can definitively declare that Guns N Roses is the greatest rock band of all time.

You're too young to make an informed decision like that. I saw Zep live over a dozen times. I've seen GnR live almost as many. It's not even close. Were you even born when Led Zeppelin broke up? :)
Hugh said:
You're too young to make an informed decision like that. I saw Zep live over a dozen times. I've seen GnR live almost as many. It's not even close. Were you even born when Led Zeppelin broke up? :)

My neighbor Mr. Crochet used to say the same thing about Lawrence Welk. :smile:

Zep is great, no doubt about it. GNR is a more contemporary version:

November Rain = Stairway to Heaven
Welcome to the Jungle = Black Dog
Sweet Child o Mine = ???