introducing nsxstock 2009

BUMMER BUMMER BUMMER, can't seem to get NSX started, I think I might need a starter. Seems that when I turn the key I get a sound as if car is already running. Anyway I refuse to miss this event, I'm pulling out my other toy. Seeeeeeeeee you guys there.
Mike, thanks for the invite last night. Sorry, I can't make it out today. Car is still on jackstands. Installing the rest of the intercooler plumbing today to the intercooler, and removing the waterpump and timing belt as well today to install the new parts. Have fun and be safe. Definately going to make it out next year. Frank
Great turnout Doc Bling and Mike!!! Sorry I couldn't stay, got a couple of phone calls, came home to switch cars quickly and then down to the Bronx, she's getting weaker. Hope everyone was safe and had a great time!!!
Jan and I had a great time today, but a pothole at about 85 miles into the route caused my CEL and TCS light to come on! Having had this combination happen about 2 years ago, I had a strong suspicion as to the route cause. At the next stop sign, I turned the engine off for a few seconds then restarted. The TCS light went off and the CEL light stayed on - suspicion confirmed. However, I did watch the gauges carefully for the next few miles as a precaution. Other than the CEL light being on, Tthe car ran fine for the remainder of nsxstock and the 40+ mile trip home.

I just pulled the diagnostic code (41) this evening, and confirmed that I lost an O2 sensor (heater on the front primary). So, Bridgewater Acura can thank nsxstock for the opportunity to replace the O2 sensor under the extended warranty.:rolleyes: Tomorrow, when the engine will be cool, I'll do some simple measurements to confirm the code before making the call to the service department.

Now, if Don can find two similar potholes on River Run, maybe I can have the remaining two original sensors replaced before the extened warranty runs out in 2010. :biggrin:
Thanks for putting together the event today. I know what it's like to put events and driving tours together so it's appreciated. This was my first NSX event and I really enjoyed it. What an awesome set of roads we were on. :)

It was nice meeting a bunch of new people today. Hope to get together again soon.
I had a great time!! Thanks for putting the drive together, it's too bad I couldn't stick around for the last part of the run and food. It was great seeing some old faces and meeting some new friends. It's funny, even though I was in the CRX being surrounded by NSXs made me feel like I was back in my old 1998 targa :)

I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to a bunch of you as I bailed with very short notice. I'm hoping to see some of you soon at Kid's Day however depending on how our move goes I'm not quite sure yet.

....Now where are the photos!!!
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Dr. Bling and Bob, you guys outdid yourself. Amazing run. You are hired to plan the drive for the River Run!

Carla and I had a great day!
At least I got to have a great lunch with some fine peeps!MMMM short ribs!Sorry I missed Larry B ,Roger, and John:frown:
"Thanks a Lot Doc and Bob for a great run today." Road Course and chow was terrific!
And thanks to all others for participating and making it a nice turnout. Also, thanks to Larry for getting my engine back in the day prior so that I was able to enjoy the whole experience!

Rich B.
Here are a few photos from the day:













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the meet looked amazing and i wished i could have tagged along to take pictures for the day like last year, but had things planned for the day. hopefully i'll be able to join you all one of these years in my own.
Thank you John and Bob for planning such a GREAT event. Great roads, great food and most importantly, great people.

Hope to see most of you again at Kids Day, it's a great cause...


BTW, Tony and Bailey, thanks for taking some great photos :biggrin:
Sorry to bail at the last minute but Josh's departure for the summer and a 3AM arrival from a wedding Saturday night made the decision for me.

I want the route for this one since everyone had a blast.

Tony and Bailey thanks for the great photo coverage:smile:
It appears the weather gods were with you and I'm sure you all had a fantastic time
Hey Doc,Ginnie and I would like to thank you for a great time at NSX-Stock.
Also the GOOD dinner Sat. Nite. Tony & Bailey thanks for the great pictures like always. Oh and I can't forget the other photographer Dagmar :eek: oops! I mean Dana:biggrin:
Didn't make it this year, decided to go to the track instead, oh well maybe next year.