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Introduce New NA1 Non-Pop up headlight conversion like NA2

So, what's the final cost? ...and who's the 1st Guinea Pig?

Can someone with the OEM '02+ headlights please take and post a picture like the one below with a tape measure in the same location? Thanks!
<img src=http://absdynamics.com/image/Headlight/17.jpg>

I really don't think what they look like compared to the pop up lights means anything. It's what they look like compared to the '02+ that matters.
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It appears you have access to a good molding facility and your product has a nice quality finish to it. However, the design is too blunt in its delivery. The lights should be a flowing accent to the body lines and not interupt it or say "look at me". I am not sure why you chose to set the projectors so far forward, but that is what's causing bubbling efffect and the subsequent disruption of the body lines. To reduce this bluntness, I would recommend lowering the height of the projectors about half an inch and setting them back a minimum of two inches. This will allow the front of the cover to begin at about a 45 degree angle and remain low and shallow throughout the profile. A steep angle of the cover should be advantages in partially recovering the drop in projector height because the light beam(s) will be elevated about a quarter inch due to refraction. In my opinion, using this recommend will generate a lot of excitement about the design of your product.

Can someone with the OEM '02+ headlights please take and post a picture like the one below with a tape measure in the same location? Thanks!
I really don't think what they look like compared to the pop up lights means anything. It's what they look like compared to the '02+ that matters.
I need a second person to hold the tape measure or take the picture. This is the best I can do.

Props to making something new for the community, but I think you may need to do a little bit more R&D before your final product. The glass/plastic housing is just too bulgy. If you took the styling cues from the OEM headlights and improved on the design, I bet you would have something that people would go crazy for. You should listen to some of the recurring recommendations in this thread to suit the customers' needs and wants. But it is your product. Do with it what you like.
I think the lamps look okay. The reson the bubble could not get any lower is because the casing inside cannot go forward anymore due to the shape of the bumper. Props to wildgtr for coming up with the new headlamp.
They don't look any different from the prototype, and members have the same reaction now that they had when pictures were first posted:


If the lights were flushed, the projectors were recessed, and the angel eyes were gone, you would have a competitive product, a viable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to a 2002+ conversion - instead, you put a part that members didn't particularly care for into production, over a year after members said they didn't like it.
if you can knockoff the backyard special headlights, you got my business

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+1 on the BYS lights comment.




I'm starting to feel that maybe if you did away with the plexiglass cover altogether you might have a better profile, sort of a pagani zonda look:
There is still plenty of Unused space in the "bubble" or dome of the lights.

When comparing to the OEM '02 lights, the space between the headlight projector housing and the plastic cover is much less.

If you keep everything else the same, and just close the gaps Inside the light itself, shape the front a bit more like the '02's, ...I think you'd have a winner...

just my 2¢
there is still plenty of unused space in the "bubble" or dome of the lights.

When comparing to the oem '02 lights, the space between the headlight projector housing and the plastic cover is much less.

If you keep everything else the same, and just close the gaps inside the light itself, shape the front a bit more like the '02's, ...i think you'd have a winner...

Just my 2¢

I think this vendor is probably somewhat discouraged since he spent all this money on a prototype and tooling that we're hammering to death.

I hope not! the level of responses already should be telling of how much interest there is in the product. I think the design is almost there. So keep at it
We can do it with out the glass on the headlight it might make the headlight look more like the Zonda and you can paint it easier.
On the bubble we cannot do any more adjustment on it. Because the housing base already made we can not change the height of it.
As you can see the 02 headlight is more longer than the old one. If we move the light for forward it will look worst than this.

3. Kdfsplit
4. Diablo360
5. Kdirty130
6. T&T Boise
7. arturo9801

Where is this gentleman located and why hasn't anyone gone over to his place and helped him out with this design.
If he was near here, i would be over in an hour.