Interesting Colour Combo- '05 Low Mileage- Vancouver, Canada

all wrong this car was originally black, it was firebombed then the owners found a wrecked one took the blue out interior out, then painted it silvertstone.

since there is now picture of the engine bay this is what they are hiding, but for 75K they can keep it.

this thing has WRECKED all over it

Run away... if they jusry rigged the paint, and interior to save money I wonder what else they did.

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here is the link to the Sellers website
I think it's been Wrapped since there is no gloss to the paint.
That color is not silverstone. It's matte. Shawn do you KNOW that it was wrecked? Ad says NO ACCIDENTS, are you saying they are lying? This may just be a perfectly good 19,000 mile LBBP with a matte silver/black wrap. And if so, that price is not unreasonable for a 19,000 mile car in Canada.
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With a black roof and black interior sills why would you conclude it was originally blue?

If the interior is original, The car had to be blue, (no other color car had a blue interior) chances are the interior has been replaced on the car. Definitely the car has a colorful history.
I think there were 10 LBBP, 7 manual and 3 auto, with blue interiors in 2005.
There were 57, 2005 black manuals with various interior colours, none blue.
This car has black interior sills and a black roof.
Does it sound reasonable that someone would go to the trouble of importing an accident free LBBP US car to Canada, paint the interior sills black, the exterior matte silver and the top black after only 19 K miles?
Why not buy/trade a rare LBBP for one of the 78 more common silver 2005's?
And why replace the 02+ wheels with aftermarket on such a low mileage car without keeping the oem wheels, unless the original wheels were damaged.

Sounds like the car has a checkered past and someone replaced the original interior with blue and wrapped/painted the exterior except for the top.
I emailed the vendor asking for the VIN and will report back on what (or if) I hear from them.
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If the interior is original, The car had to be blue, (no other color car had a blue interior) chances are the interior has been replaced on the car. Definitely the car has a colorful history.

I seem to recall seeing a silver 02+ with a blue interior at some point on here or maybe NSXGB. Quite sure it was a Japanese car. Probably not available over here as you say.
Wasn't a Japanese car. It was owner swapped. Then sold. I seriously doubt the factory ever put out a blue interior on a non-LBBP car.
No response to my email requesting the VIN from the TAC Auto Gallery in Vancouver.
They did however add a 2002 black to their website today in addition to the questionable silver one.
One of the last 12 cars that came to the UK in 2005 was a Silver car with this blue interior. It was factory supplied car and sold last year at auction for roughly £85,000 sterling..

Wasn't a Japanese car. It was owner swapped. Then sold. I seriously doubt the factory ever put out a blue interior on a non-LBBP car.
One of the last 12 cars that came to the UK in 2005 was a Silver car with this blue interior. It was factory supplied car and sold last year at auction for roughly £85,000 sterling..

Interesting... that has to be one of a kind then. 85K british pounds.... that's a lot of money. Would love to know where the car went to or see pics.
They really must have had some leftover parts and made an NSX. That has to be 1 of 1. 85,000 pounds is $140,000 USD. A unicorn was purchased.
From what I know, the UK spec cars were quite limited in interior colour options. I think only black or tan? The last twelve cars were spec'd individually by the buyers I believe? If your US car had been an Original Silverstone then it looks like the factory would have made it if requested...

As you'll know UK cars are usually more expensive than us ones. When new in 2005 these last 12 cars weren't any more expensive than the regular cars had been. All that's happened in the UK is that there has been a strongclimb in values in the last 3-4 years and being that this car is one of the very few facelift that come up for sale, it's low mileage and last 12 status (unique spec) it subsequently sold for a very high price.
They really must have had some leftover parts and made an NSX. That has to be 1 of 1. 85,000 pounds is $140,000 USD. A unicorn was purchased.
Being the original car depicted was a left hand drive model can we assume it was not one of those originally supplied with Vivid blue interior? Seems it may have been a salvaged model made to look like a Euro spec'd NSX. I would think if it were a legitimate "one of one" the dealer would have documented it's history. My 2 cents.
still doesnt explain the different colors on certain parts of the car, like the paint. door panels etc.

still think there is something to this car , more than meets the eye.

or............ knowing a color combo like that sold for 140,000 would be a great investment to buy the interior in blue and swap it out since the door panels dont match ya know. pulling the wool over the sheeps eyes is common in our current society

for 19K miles the interior looks worn to me. but again I know nothing
More info on the car.
It's been sold by the Vancouver dealer.
The person at TAC I talked to said the car was originally LBBP and the firewall in the engine compartment is still blue.
It was then repainted black and finally silver.
He wouldn't comment on the sales price.
No idea if any of this is true but it would sound like the blue interior came with the car from Japan.