In TunerPro if the pids are defined, can you select what you want up to the 14 pids and will TunerPro write the serial string for you, or do you have to setup a dashboard for each unique set of pids you want to monitor.
Any chance of changing the MAP sensor and rescalling the tables to mach the new sensor like we talked about before to deal with boost?
What are the chances of ever unlocking the OBDII ECU's?
Are there any other analog inputs left on the NSX ECU?
I must say I envy your tanacity on this project it is a lot of effort. Good Job.
Tunerpro doesn't do any of the streaming, the ECU's microprocessor does this in it's stock form. By disassembling the ECU's program I was able to back-trace the routine that handles the serial streaming. I discovered the 3 modes of communication with 2 of them streaming a 14 and 66byte stream select-able by a program switch. I also discovered the location of the list of memory addresses (14 for the 14byte, 66 addresses for the 66 byte). This list of addresses is read out of the serial port at the rate of about 1 a millisecond. The ECU adds a header byte and parity check (so that it can tell its head from its tail) and then streams out of the serial port the values of each PID defined in order of this list of addresses.
I created a list in tunerpro ROM definition of these addresses and you can go in and change the order and location of any address in that list. This list of addresses is stored on the chip and is there from the factory. I labeled the list 1-14 to correspond to the order of which they are streamed from the serial port. So if #1 was coolant temp ($FCDF) and #2 was RPM ($FC52), the first byte of the stream would be coolant temp and rpm successively. If I wanted the first byte to instead show intake temp, I'd go to #1 and change it's address to ($FCCF) - intake temp. If I then updated the chip to the emulator while the car was running, the first byte of the serial stream would change from coolant temp to intake temp.
What I did last night was to re-write the stock (honda) serial handling routine to change the length of this stream from 14 bytes to whatever length I specify. If I wanted a 100byte stream and I had room to have a 100 byte list of addresses I could do it. I would simply add room to the list of addresses and label them 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 etc. The only problem is the longer the stream the slower the updates get, at 14 values its extremely fast as shown in the video.. I think I could expand that up to 30 or so values and still have the stream reasonably fast.
Now here's where the confusion comes in. Tunerpro also handles the datalogging for the stream. Think of the datalogging in tunerpro as a separate program with a separate definition. You have to tell it how long that stream of bytes is, what each byte is and give it a calculation to get that raw data into a real world number. In the above example, the first packet is CTS and second is RPM. You would define #1 as coolant temperature and enter a formula (x-40) to get it into degrees farenheit. You would define packet 2 as RPM and enter a different formula (X*28) to get that raw value into RPM. Even then you're not done! You still have to make and layout the dashboard! If I make the stream longer, I would have to define that the stream is now longer and enter the information and formula for those extra packets.
I'm not really interested in re-scaling the N/A fuel maps for boost with a modified map sensor. My goal from the beginning has been to add resolution to the fuel tables - possibly even switching to a separate set of maps when boost is detected. I feel confident that I will accomplish my goal sometime soon. I believe the Legend/NSX ecu in it's stock form far surpasses the resolution and finite control of any aftermarket engine management - if only I had been doing this 20 years ago
Let me ask you this - what is so difficult in converting an OBD2 car to use a cable throttle body? If a plug and play OBD2-OBD1 adapter was made and a cable throttle body was retrofitted... do you see where I'm going?
There are a few analog inputs that could be "creatively redefined"... It depends on how far you want to take it, I'd say there are 3 inputs that could be re purposed for external usage (A/C Pressure, Ignition Timing Adjuster and clutch switch). If you want to get crazy, I could add up to 8 more if additional (simple) circuitry was added.
Thanks man! This has so far has been my favorite hobby, I'm almost worried about what I'm going to do once I've finished

. I do have some wild ideas to take ECU tuning to the next level, but I'd rather just show you than talk about it!