Insurance for NSX

23 October 2012
Odessa, FL
I recently bought 2001 NSX. I will only be driving the car 2-3K a year and my regular insurance carrier didn't want to give me a break on insurance. Does anyone know of good insurance carriers for this purpose. Thank you in advance for responding.

I'm curious about this too... I have Georgia Farm Bureau but, only because a friend of mine is the agent. I would like to take the X off and save a ton of money.
I'm sure other's will chip in with some great insurance advise.

I currently have AAA insurance, Home & Auto's. Basically 'The Travelers.' I have the NSX insured as a pleasure vehicle. My agent told me I can call him anytime & have it removed during the winter when I'm not driving it, but I've never taken him up on it.

It is so reasonable, I just leave it covered.

I receive AAA benefits as far a auto's and travel from being a member.

I've had them for awhile and have been contemplating shopping for other insurance that may be a better deal as a bundle.
I always insured mine with State Farm and never had any problems. I had the same rates and discounts as on my other cars. And State Farm is highly rated for claims satisfaction, so there were no worries there (we had another car totalled recently and they were good to us). I also had liability and collision protection suspended during the winter months when it wasn't going anywhere, so I saved a bundle there too.
state farm here as well. also enrolled in the program where i report my mileage every few months. if they see your mileage is less than norm, they send you rebate check. the less you drive, the more the rebate
I have State Farm too and I'm happy with them. Shortly after I got my '02, It got hit/vandalized to the tune of $3.5K and they let me take it to a shop that is well known for their work on exotics, even though it wasn't on the "approved" list. Very happy with the work and with State Farm :smile:
currently with Frankenmuth ins, a local Michigan company I insure my boats and daily drivers with

1276.00/year minus several hundred rebate for removing collision for the winter months

just today.. grundy told me 766.00/year with agreed 38,000 value on my 95... but I don't know if I can remove some insurance for the winter yet

would LOVE others comments on Grundy!!!
check out grundy worldwide-i'm paying $262 a year for collector car insurance on my nsx.this is for a non-dd car kept in a garage,just used for shows or pleasure driving.there's no mileage limit.i have no points or accidents,and the coverage is 100/300 liability,100 pd,with $50 deductible on collision and comprehensive.similar coverage before with unitrin was about $560,but that was with a multicar discount,which i lost when i moved the nsx to this policy,so the rate on my dd went up,but i still saved about $60. a year between the two cars,and it's a better policy on the also includes towing,inflation rise,and windshields.

the best thing is it's agreed value-you set the value of your car,so if it's stolen or totalled i get $37k,no haggling about value.
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I always insured mine with State Farm and never had any problems. I had the same rates and discounts as on my other cars. And State Farm is highly rated for claims satisfaction, so there were no worries there (we had another car totalled recently and they were good to us). I also had liability and collision protection suspended during the winter months when it wasn't going anywhere, so I saved a bundle there too.

Another positive encounter for State Farm with me as well. They will discount the car if you list is as a "weekend driver", I believe the mileage limitation is like 2500 or something like that. If you ever have a claim, they really work with you to help, unlike most carriers.

I do believe though, that you can not drop insurance coverage on the car unless you turn in the tags, as you're required to carry insurance on motor vehicles licensed for the street. So, unless you want to forfeit the tags and re-register every Spring, its probably not the best choice.

Alternative, you could reduce to liability coverage only during the months you have it parked in storage and upgrade to full coverage for the main months of use. Not sure how much you would really save. I know my 2004 NSX insurance for full coverage wasn't all that much, granted I have a lot of other policies, a perfect record, and I'm in my 30's. What kills me in Virginia is personal property tax.
Thank you everyone, I think Grundy is the way to go. I got 50K in vehicle replacement and 300,000 liability for $567 a year. Much better than any other insurance I was quoted on. The only thing Grundy lacks is uninsured motorist which for some reason they limited that to $20K.
I have had State Farm in the past and now have Allstate. Both allow the NSX to be classified as a "pleasure vehicle" because of the low miles driven. Which lets it qualify for a lower rate
+1 Grundy

Stated value policy

(you have to have a separate DD and provide proof of it)

Great price for no hassle "walk away with a check" coverage

Only con is their customer service hours suck for West Coast folks

+2 Grundy Worldwide for agreed value coverage, extremely inexpensive policy, and unlimited mileage. I did not have to provide proof of my DD. Added bonus for AZ folks is that collector car insurance exempts us from having to go through emissions.
Thank you everyone, I think Grundy is the way to go. I got 50K in vehicle replacement and 300,000 liability for $567 a year. Much better than any other insurance I was quoted on. The only thing Grundy lacks is uninsured motorist which for some reason they limited that to $20K.

Do you understand what this covers? That's a BIG deal. I would NEVER EVER go with Grundy for this very reason.

My policy with State Farm was $1M/$1M with $1M coverage against uninsured motorist. My deductible I made $500. I wasn't paying much more than you are with Grundy.
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As stated above you need to know your coverage in the evnt of human body damage,not just the car.....there are a lot of underinsured motorists out there waiting to F u up:mad:
Thank you everyone, I think Grundy is the way to go. I got 50K in vehicle replacement and 300,000 liability for $567 a year. Much better than any other insurance I was quoted on. The only thing Grundy lacks is uninsured motorist which for some reason they limited that to $20K.

Do you understand what this covers? That's a BIG deal. I would NEVER EVER go with Grundy for this very reason.

My policy with State Farm was $1M/$1M with $1M coverage against uninsured motorist. My deductible I made $500. I wasn't paying much more than you are with Grundy.

I'm sorry but the above is simply not true. Here is the declaration page for my collector insurance policy with Grundy Worldwide, please note that I also have $1M coverage (with $0 deductible).

I'm sure this has been covered as well but what about insurance including the occasional track day event? Anyone have experience w this?

/end hijack
+1 from me. I never gave it a 2nd thought until I was hit by an uninsured driver. Know what you have and make sure you are covered against the idiots of the world.

Regarding what Grundy, or any insurance company offers, remember that what they offer and what they have to offer as minimums will vary from state to state, not just as a company.
That's a HUGE point on uninsured here in Michigan... we are a "No Fault" state... meaning you are insuring YOURSELF and cannot rely on anyones elses insurance.

State law says you must carry insurance..... too bad they don't enforce it!!!! that would clear the roads a bit... then if we could just put some teeth into our no texting laws and the idiot 17 year olds could be swept off the road until they grew a brain... we;d have roads it was safe to take a nice car out on. Im telling you.. Michigan road are a pothole strewn dodge em car autobahn!!!!!! Oh... and every third vehicle is a 3 ton, 450 hp diesel SUV/Pick up being driven by someone whose always late for something and is making up for other shortcoming!!!

but I digress...

putting soapbox away
I'm sure this has been covered as well but what about insurance including the occasional track day event? Anyone have experience w this?

/end hijack

This will vary from company and state, but I know of a GEICO policy that does not restrict track use in any shape or form. You'll need to check with each policy.
All you guys throwing around quotes for how much you pay realize that it is IMPOSSIBLE to compare your rate to someone elses?

Too many factors pay into the quote:
Coverage amount
Driving record
Yearly mileage
Car age
Fact your car has an alarm or not or parked in a garage
Multi vehicle discounts
Good driver discounts

Best advice to do is to call around and get quotes for your particular case.

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