Hey All,
I recieved my windband O2 sensors a few weeks ago, looking to install them. I ordered the AEM dual-channel UEGO; the package comes with some general instructions, but nothing NSX-specific.
Unfortunately, when it comes to electronics, I'm not very good at figuring things out - has anyone else installed this type of a kit? If so, how did you figure out where to connect everything (the power lines, the data lines, etc)?
I recieved my windband O2 sensors a few weeks ago, looking to install them. I ordered the AEM dual-channel UEGO; the package comes with some general instructions, but nothing NSX-specific.
Unfortunately, when it comes to electronics, I'm not very good at figuring things out - has anyone else installed this type of a kit? If so, how did you figure out where to connect everything (the power lines, the data lines, etc)?