Inside Door Handle Broke

I guess I was hoping too hard it was just the kit needed:redface::biggrin:

Dang, nice color. A lot cooler than basic black.:biggrin:

Daniels refinished and repaired handles by Umbrella Auto Design.
New alcantara grips will be stitched on, on monday.

Also a pic of my own refinished handles with alcantara grips, and a set done we did a few years ago.

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Yes Larry, I ordered it from The total cost was $326 (incudes $44.30 S&H ouch). They didn't know when they would be made again by Acura, but two weeks doesn't sound too bad. Maybe there is hope. I am anxious to see what Ravi does with the old assembly once I send it to him...:confused:
You may want to consider the billet door handles we offer.

They are around the same price as one handle assembly alone. The gunmetal version blends well into the stock interior and you will NEVER have to worry about these breaking.

Regardless, a little confused about the factory door handle. It is sold as an assembly - it comes complete with the pull lever. We are speaking about the inner door handle assembly, right? If yours was missing the lever, then you should return it. Someone shorted you :)

-- Chris
I noticed that my driver's side door handle assembly has a crack in the plastic at the bottom. My lever is fine. I'm looking for someone who needs the pull lever because mine is still fine. Would anyone like to go in with me to buy a new (or used) assembly? They could get the pull lever and I'd get the other parts.
My car is a '94 and the assembly is black.
They may have shorted me on the handle/lever when they sent it from They are working on finding a handle for me. I don't want to pay $300 for a couple of shiny handles. I may pay a $100 for the billeted handles, but it's just not of high value to me. I prefer my interior being stock.:redface: