Increasing automatic hp?

Why not use nitrous like ediddynsx mentioned ?? If you don't want to put stress on your tranny all day long (like:supercharger/turbo) Why not a real safe 75-100 hp nitrous setup. Yes you need to make sure you do all the safety features available for nitrous but its the same if you supercharge or turbo it. This way you have the power you need when you need it and also don't have to use your tranny as a test dummy. ( which I will do for you :smile: in the coming year as I will either super/turbo charge it with AEM) But for now I am working on installing a real safe clean nitrous setup. Here is more on my install and I will update it with more info as my projects moves on.
The right to do nothing...don't f*$%k with the automatic transmission...unless you want to spend $6500.00!!:eek: Which could be better used if you sold your automatic and took the 6 grand and bought a standard! I own an automatic...and yes it is not as fast as other exotics...but it looks way Phatter than the other cars in Calgary...and it serves its purpose. If you want a real fast NSX...then buy a standard...that way you can do sooooooo much more to the engine:biggrin:

So ends my sermon

NSXtasy's advice is sound. I drive an automatic. It is great in traffic, is a real pleasure to drive, and the wife, girlfriend, or daughter can drive it (this can be either good or bad, depending on your viewpoint, but I will say that my girlfriend really enjoys driving my car and I enjoy seeing her happy). The car is perfectly fine, there is nothing wrong with an automatic whatsoever, but, it isn't designed for all-out performance like the manual. It is more of a "gentleman's NSX" (not that I am a gentleman). It was detuned by honda to take the pressure off the automatic transmission. It's only 18hp, right? Surely, the automatic transmission can handle a mere 18 more horsepower, right? Sadly this not the case. If the engineers thought that the transmission would withstand the extra 18hp they would have it left them in, which would have been a lot easier than redesigning the car to suit the automatic transmission. The automatic transmission is more prone to failure when pushed hard. The automatic transmission is great for normal and high-speeding driving and is up to the task for it's purpose, but if you are going to drive your car harder than normal and want to do performance upgrades you should stick with the manual.

Frankly, most people seem more concerned with this issue based on what they think other people will think or say, rather than what their own preference is. You should evaluate based on your personal needs and preference, not what someone else thinks is "cool". Does it really matter that the stick car has 18 more horsepower? Only you can answer that question for you. For me, it is no big deal, but for you, it might be. Ask yourself, am I only concerned about the automatic because of what people might say? Or are you a real car fanatic and want every extra horsepower you can get. If you don't think the horsepower is that big of a deal, because both cars are still plenty fast, you might be happy with the automatic. But if not having that extra 18hp or more would still bug you, you should get the stick. If it would still bother you that someone will say that your car is not "cool" (online, this doesn't happens in real life) because it is an automatic, then you should get a stick. If it would still bother you that someone (online, this doesn't happens in real life) will say it isn't a "real sports car", then you should get a stick. If you want to drive the car really hard and take it to the track, you should get a stick. If you want to mess with the ECU or add a supercharger, then you should get a stick. If, on the other hand, you really don't mind what people say so much and you would like to have a great car without all that shifting, plus one that the woman in your life can drive, then go ahead and get an automatic. The automatic is a great car, I highly recommend it. Just be aware that you will have to constantly defend the car against people who say it isn't a "real sports car". If you get an automatic, don't get your feelings hurt when somebody says it has "only 252hp". Don't try and turn it into something else with the speed mods, etc, just so you can say that you have as much hp as the next guy. Buy the automatic, drive it, enjoy it for what it is, and be happy with it. The only thing "wrong" with the automatic is all the negative comments you will hear about it, mostly from people online, or your buddies who want to give you crap about it. The car itself is fine. Save your money from the mods to fix the POS bose stereo.
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C'mon, get your transmission bullet-proofed by a transmission specialist. Then if you want you can get any mod you want. My next NSX will be an automatic, why? 3,000 miles on it, that's why. But If i ever end up tuning it, take it for sure that the tranny will be rebuilt for performance purposes. Considering the costs of rebuilding a manual transmission or even a swap, a full Level-10 upgrade is A LOT LESS than a transmission.

C'mon, get your transmission bullet-proofed by a transmission specialist. Then if you want you can get any mod you want. My next NSX will be an automatic, why? 3,000 miles on it, that's why. But If i ever end up tuning it, take it for sure that the tranny will be rebuilt for performance purposes. Considering the costs of rebuilding a manual transmission or even a swap, a full Level-10 upgrade is A LOT LESS than a transmission.

I am not personally interested in having anything done to my transmission to allow an increase in horsepower, but just for the sake of discussion, what can be done to the automatic transmission to improve it? The transmission is unique and I don't know of any modification that can be made to really change that. (I don't know of a shift-kit for an NSX, for example.) Just a rebuild is $4500, so anything would have to be pretty expensive. I am not knowledgable on this subject and would be interested in learning what can be done to make this particular transmission bulletproof?
It can be done.

I am not personally interested in having anything done to my transmission to allow an increase in horsepower, but just for the sake of discussion, what can be done to the automatic transmission to improve it? The transmission is unique and I don't know of any modification that can be made to really change that. (I don't know of a shift-kit for an NSX, for example.) Just a rebuild is $4500, so anything would have to be pretty expensive. I am not knowledgable on this subject and would be interested in learning what can be done to make this particular transmission bulletproof?

There isnt one person on Prime that has messed up his auto tranny with performance mods. So why are all you assuming what the honda/acura engineers did ??? Most of you guys dont have any experience with auto nsx but just speaking out of your A$$ on what you think will happen. Can you leave this thread and let the people with some balls talk and discuss. Racing and modding your car for high horsepower always leaves a chance of something going wrong. If you cant take the heat get yo ass out the kitchen. There are people here that are willing to take a chance to push thier NSX's to the limit. Its only a car and not that expensive car. I will take my chances.......... What about all those guys on here super/turbo charging without a proper engine built?? Arent they taking the same risks? There are some things that you definelty dont do because you know the most likely outcome and adding perfomance mods to your auto nsx isnt one of them. Yes I will prove what I say. I will have 350-400hp auto nsx by the end of the year. We ll see how it goes.
There isnt one person on Prime that has messed up his auto tranny with performance mods. So why are all you assuming what the honda/acura engineers did ??? Most of you guys dont have any experience with auto nsx but just speaking out of your A$$ on what you think will happen. Can you leave this thread and let the people with some balls talk and discuss. Racing and modding your car for high horsepower always leaves a chance of something going wrong. If you cant take the heat get yo ass out the kitchen. There are people here that are willing to take a chance to push thier NSX's to the limit. Its only a car and not that expensive car. I will take my chances.......... What about all those guys on here super/turbo charging without a proper engine built?? Arent they taking the same risks? There are some things that you definelty dont do because you know the most likely outcome and adding perfomance mods to your auto nsx isnt one of them. Yes I will prove what I say. I will have 350-400hp auto nsx by the end of the year. We ll see how it goes.

I trust Mark Basch's opinion more than anyone else's. It appears that he can give you the phone numbers to at least 3 NSX owners who blew their auto tranny with too much power.


NsxTech said:
Ray, for starters, the BBSC is not available for the automatic, because I won't make it because it won't last. The tranny, that is. I have rebuilt three NSX automatica and let me tell you, though they have several innovations not found in other trannies, not even other Honda trannies, it is NOT NOT NOT
up to the task of handling any more power than it already does. That's "NOT", btw.
That is why the auto engine is detuned from the manual counterpart.
I have had this discussion with the engineers at CT, and they disagree though not with any vigor. They do sell a kit for the auto shifter, but it only makes anout 65 hp. My opinion based on the overhauls, and other information and opinions that I have is, don't do it.

If one runs 350-400hp in an auto tranny it would be pretty clear based on all available knowledge that while they might have big balls they would have a very small brain and hopefully deep pockets.
There isnt one person on Prime that has messed up his auto tranny with performance mods. So why are all you assuming what the honda/acura engineers did ??? Most of you guys dont have any experience with auto nsx but just speaking out of your A$$ on what you think will happen. Can you leave this thread and let the people with some balls talk and discuss. Racing and modding your car for high horsepower always leaves a chance of something going wrong. If you cant take the heat get yo ass out the kitchen. There are people here that are willing to take a chance to push thier NSX's to the limit. Its only a car and not that expensive car. I will take my chances.......... What about all those guys on here super/turbo charging without a proper engine built?? Arent they taking the same risks? There are some things that you definelty dont do because you know the most likely outcome and adding perfomance mods to your auto nsx isnt one of them. Yes I will prove what I say. I will have 350-400hp auto nsx by the end of the year. We ll see how it goes.

Thats the same horse power that I'm going after. I also have an auto. I recommend talking to Shad at driving ambitions. Since the CT super charger is hard to come by he is in development of a custom super charger that the automatics will benifit from. Also living in california we are able to pass smog. He's located in sacramento ca. Shad has a few safe idea's on how to achieve our goals. hope this helps.
Increased horsepower = blown transmission...and if thats what you want...go for it!

Those of us who have automatics accept this reality...

Originally Posted by damthatbeaver
Increased horsepower = blown transmission...and if thats what you want...go for it! Those of us who have automatics accept this reality.
Not all of those who have automatics just accept it because some of us don't just take other people's opinion on it and find out how much truth is behind it. There isn't 1 person on prime who even knows another person who has blew his auto tranny because of some mods.

Originally Posted by NSXGMS
I trust Mark Basch's opinion more than anyone else's. It appears that he can give you the phone numbers to at least 3 NSX owners who blew their auto tranny with too much power.
PLEASE PM me those phone number's your are talking about, or post Mark's number so we can call and see why/what happened. I bet he doesn't even have one number of another auto nsx owner who blew his tranny. IF you can come up with 1 of the 3 nsx numbers you are talking about we can close this thread. THANKS
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Originally Posted by yellow-scorpion:
Hey I am allready talking to Shad at Driving Ambition about a few different things I am getting done. He has great customer service and lots of knowledge he can help us with. Maybe we can get 5 people together and get a group buy going on the auto supercharger. I will talk to him when I go see him next week in Sacramento. Keep me updated on your projects I am very interested in your project, as we have the same goal.
Originally Posted by yellow-scorpion:
Hey I am allready talking to Shad at Driving Ambition about a few different things I am getting done. He has great customer service and lots of knowledge he can help us with. Maybe we can get 5 people together and get a group buy going on the auto supercharger. I will talk to him when I go see him next week in Sacramento. Keep me updated on your projects I am very interested in your project, as we have the same goal.

Let me know when your comming to see him and I can meet you there. One idea that I've been thinking about is instead of the super charger why not replace the items that honda used to detune the engine, that way we would be at the 270 hp starting point as the manuals then buy the piggy back ecu as Shad recommends. At some point I would feel more comfortable sending in the transmission to level ten.
How many people have blown their clutches with a power adder?

I guess no one with a clutch should add power, unless their brain is small and their pockets are deep, right?
I read in this forum somewhere by someone who knows about transmissions that Turbocharging is less stressful on the automatic transmission that n Supercharging; the explanation is in there in detail. I will go hunting for the link so you all could read, just wanted to get this in this discussion.

Here ya go kids!:

"SC are usually driven by a belt/pulley system involving crank pulley,water pump,alternator,etc... This puts increased load on their bearings. This increased load also robs you of power,I think it's referred as parastatic loss.TC also create less stress on Automatic Transmissions.... in between shifts there is no load therefore no boost."

Excerpt from:
Originally Posted by damthatbeaver
Increased horsepower = blown transmission...and if thats what you want...go for it! Those of us who have automatics accept this reality.
Not all of those who have automatics just accept it because some of us don't just take other people's opinion on it and find out how much truth is behind it. There isn't 1 person on prime who even knows another person who has blew his auto tranny because of some mods.

Originally Posted by NSXGMS
I trust Mark Basch's opinion more than anyone else's. It appears that he can give you the phone numbers to at least 3 NSX owners who blew their auto tranny with too much power.
PLEASE PM me those phone number's your are talking about, or post Mark's number so we can call and see why/what happened. I bet he doesn't even have one number of another auto nsx owner who blew his tranny. IF you can come up with 1 of the 3 nsx numbers you are talking about we can close this thread. THANKS

Why don't you just PM user NSXTech. I highly doubt he's lying. Do you promise we can close the thread? :rolleyes:

BTW, when opinion is accompanied by evidence and first-hand experience it becomes fact. You're not ignoring opinion--you're ignoring fact. If you want to repeat the mistakes others have made don't listen to anybody and do what you want--we don't care.

Why would anyone say "don't do it" if adding power to an auto tranny didn't damage the car? There's no reason I can think of that people would discourage it. Lots of people have blown their motors w/ SC but the general consensus by the experts is that if it's done right it will be OK. Not so w/ the auto tranny. You insist on forcing a round peg through a square hole.

Your tendency to ignore facts and laugh in the face of people with much more knowledge and experience than you makes you look foolish.
I still think you guys are taking this too personal.

I am on my way on getting a newer NSX, this time it's an auto. Now I've heard, read all the things that can go wrong upgrading it, but I will still do it, bottom line guys, if YOU want to do it, you don't need anybody's permission. But count on me that I will A.) Upgrade the Cooler. B.) Upgrade Level 10, and C.) Redline ATF.

Now if that fails, then I will report back to you guys.

I still think you guys are taking this too personal.

I am on my way on getting a newer NSX, this time it's an auto. Now I've heard, read all the things that can go wrong upgrading it, but I will still do it, bottom line guys, if YOU want to do it, you don't need anybody's permission. But count on me that I will A.) Upgrade the Cooler. B.) Upgrade Level 10, and C.) Redline ATF.

Now if that fails, then I will report back to you guys.


I think the discussion is mainly addressing a stock tranny. Level 10 and tranny upgrades will certainly increase the lifespan of an auto tranny with FI.

Anyone can do whatever they want but to fail to acknowledge that using FI with a stock auto tranny drastically reduces its lifespan is ridiculous based on the evidence and first-hand experience noted above.
There isn't 1 person on prime who even knows another person who has blew his auto tranny because of some mods.
Yes, there is.

Furthermore, I can guarantee you that anyone who ignores the advice here, mods their automatic NSX, and blows their transmission, will not be posting about their experience here, because people who ignore advice are the same kind of people who refuse to admit it when they turn out to be wrong.

It's your car; do whatever you want with it. It's a significant risk. Maybe you'll be lucky and your transmission won't fail; maybe you won't. That's what risk is all about.
I still think you guys are taking this too personal.

I am on my way on getting a newer NSX, this time it's an auto. Now I've heard, read all the things that can go wrong upgrading it, but I will still do it, bottom line guys, if YOU want to do it, you don't need anybody's permission. But count on me that I will A.) Upgrade the Cooler. B.) Upgrade Level 10, and C.) Redline ATF.

Now if that fails, then I will report back to you guys.


Which Redline ATF should we use? I'm currently have a Auto. Seems there r 3 different types of Redline ATF, 1st is RED LINE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, 2nd is RED LINE HIGH TEMP AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID, 3rd is RED LINE RACING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID.... which one should i go for?
Which Redline ATF should we use? I'm currently have a Auto. Seems there r 3 different types of Redline ATF, 1st is RED LINE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, 2nd is RED LINE HIGH TEMP AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID, 3rd is RED LINE RACING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID.... which one should i go for?

U may wanna start a new thread on that one... I'm interested in knowing, too...