In the Dog House

14 August 2002
eagan, mn
This past weekend I was heading to clean a business that my wife and I operate. Down the street I noticed quite a few cars outside a custom car shop run by some young kids. So I pulled in to see what was going on. Turned out to be an impromptu car show, with 15-20 local import tuner cars and a few domestic types standing around talking cars. All heads turned in my direction as I pulled in. Immediately an older gentleman and a gorgeous young girl (that I'd estimate to be 18-19 years old) came up to check out the car. She loudly said "Dad do you believe it? It's an NSX". So after about 15 minutes of chit/chat and the same questions we all get, dad asks if I would mind giving his daughter a quick spin. In she jumps, off we go for a short cruise which included a few quick acceleration bursts with the nitrous engaged. Visibly she was having a good time. The conversation was very innocent. She told me she just graduated high school and planned on attending one of the local community colleges in the fall. She knew more about cars than most young ladies her age would. Anyways, on the way back to the spot we pull up to a stoplight just as my wife goes through the same intersection in the opposite direction. Her head almost snapped off as she spotted us sitting at the light, with a look that I haven't seen yet in 20 years of marriage. I drop off the young lady and sheepishly headed to the office with no idea of what was in store. I nervously explained the situation which I think she believed, but it's still been pretty chilly in the house for the past few days. Why's the NSX have to be so damn sexy?
Hahahhhaha. that's crazy! For some reason I thought of that part in Old School where Will Ferrell is streaking down the street and his wife pulls up stunned, gives him "the stare" and yells at him to get in. Hopefully she understands that situation, you better have some special surprise planned for the weekend :biggrin:
This entire scenario is complete BS. Your wife should not be angry with you at all. You did nothing wrong, and you didn't have any bad intentions to begin with. What if you had found this person passed out on the side of street and were on your way to the hospital or police station, would have the situation been the same for you? If you have never before given your wife any reason to believe that you were acting unfaithfully you should have no worries. I don't want to get involved here, but she needs to lighten up a little. Furthermore, don't go out and buy her flowers or jewelry, that will just confirm in her mind that you up to no good.
I don't know what to say,but love to see the look on your face when you saw your wife' car.
Hope things work out and maybe the dad can help your out to explain to your wife if necessary.
That is one of the funniest stories I have heard. Your wife should understand that you are not out picking up 18 year old girls. I can see the concern, but after the explanation she should be ok with it. :biggrin:
Damn! Stuff like this never happens to me. :smile:

This story is funny to me because I tell my wife that I can pick up college girls all day in my NSX. She usually shuts me up by saying that she will get a NSX and then we will see who picks up more dates.

Plus, my wife always busts my balls when I say "I've still got it" (which is the defense I would have used "they can't help themselves, babe"). She would have asked "how much did you pay her?" :biggrin:

Great story.
raven said:
...just as my wife goes through the same intersection in the opposite direction...with a look that I haven't seen yet in 20 years of marriage.

I would have liked to have seen the look on your face when you saw the look on your wife's face. :biggrin: :tongue:
atleast there's no back-seat, err...

Could've been worse, you could've been seen pulling out of the Holiday Inn instead of at an intersection!?! :biggrin:

I learned long ago, somethings come w/ the territory whether you love'it or hate'it.
You must be fairly harmless looking for dad to say "oh here, why don't you take my inocent pretty 19 year old daughter with you in the car"....

That is murphy's law that your wife sees you at that very moment... nice story...
raven said:
This past weekend I was heading to clean a business that my wife and I operate. Down the street I noticed quite a few cars outside a custom car shop run by some young kids. So I pulled in to see what was going on. Turned out to be an impromptu car show, with 15-20 local import tuner cars and a few domestic types standing around talking cars. All heads turned in my direction as I pulled in. Immediately an older gentleman and a gorgeous young girl (that I'd estimate to be 18-19 years old) came up to check out the car. She loudly said "Dad do you believe it? It's an NSX". So after about 15 minutes of chit/chat and the same questions we all get, dad asks if I would mind giving his daughter a quick spin. In she jumps, off we go for a short cruise which included a few quick acceleration bursts with the nitrous engaged. Visibly she was having a good time. The conversation was very innocent. She told me she just graduated high school and planned on attending one of the local community colleges in the fall. She knew more about cars than most young ladies her age would. Anyways, on the way back to the spot we pull up to a stoplight just as my wife goes through the same intersection in the opposite direction. Her head almost snapped off as she spotted us sitting at the light, with a look that I haven't seen yet in 20 years of marriage. I drop off the young lady and sheepishly headed to the office with no idea of what was in store. I nervously explained the situation which I think she believed, but it's still been pretty chilly in the house for the past few days. Why's the NSX have to be so damn sexy?

HAHA!! Sorry man....that is funny and yet I still feel bad for you. You may want to buy a parka. ;)
mickeylex said:
Damn! Stuff like this never happens to me. :smile:

This story is funny to me because I tell my wife that I can pick up college girls all day in my NSX. She usually shuts me up by saying that she will get a NSX and then we will see who picks up more dates.

Plus, my wife always busts my balls when I say "I've still got it" (which is the defense I would have used "they can't help themselves, babe"). She would have asked "how much did you pay her?" :biggrin:

Great story.

LOL!! Your wife sounds pretty laid back. My wife is very cool about stuff like that and would have just rolled her eyes at me and laughed. :D
I tell you keep you out of trouble, from now on I will take all of the hot younger girls for rides in my car, hence keeping you out of trouble. ;)
raven said:
This past weekend I was heading to clean a business that my wife and I operate. Down the street I noticed quite a few cars outside a custom car shop run by some young kids. So I pulled in to see what was going on. Turned out to be an impromptu car show, with 15-20 local import tuner cars and a few domestic types standing around talking cars. All heads turned in my direction as I pulled in. Immediately an older gentleman and a gorgeous young girl (that I'd estimate to be 18-19 years old) came up to check out the car. She loudly said "Dad do you believe it? It's an NSX". So after about 15 minutes of chit/chat and the same questions we all get, dad asks if I would mind giving his daughter a quick spin. In she jumps, off we go for a short cruise which included a few quick acceleration bursts with the nitrous engaged. Visibly she was having a good time. The conversation was very innocent. She told me she just graduated high school and planned on attending one of the local community colleges in the fall. She knew more about cars than most young ladies her age would. Anyways, on the way back to the spot we pull up to a stoplight just as my wife goes through the same intersection in the opposite direction. Her head almost snapped off as she spotted us sitting at the light, with a look that I haven't seen yet in 20 years of marriage. I drop off the young lady and sheepishly headed to the office with no idea of what was in store. I nervously explained the situation which I think she believed, but it's still been pretty chilly in the house for the past few days. Why's the NSX have to be so damn sexy?
Yeah right! That girl is actually your girlfriend and since your wife bumped into you two, you needed to make up a story to back you up. Go to the dog house now! :biggrin: :tongue:
Confucius says, "man spents daytime in cat house finds himself in dog house at night." :biggrin:
What was the "dad" thinking? As a father, I would never offer my daughter up for a spin a strangers car. As for the story you used to explain the reason why a 19 yo was in the car.............. I will have to remember it :)

Re: bark at the moon...

That's not fair! I'd have all kinds of "bad" intentions for her but she didn't get into my car!
Thats a hilarious story!!
I just read it aloud to a few of my employees, they all laughed out loud !

Thanks for sharing that !
Modernceo said:
Thats a hilarious story!!
I just read it aloud to a few of my employees, they all laughed out loud !

Thanks for sharing that !
Same here. My coworker had a good laugh.

My wife heard too many stories of man going through midlife crisis. They either buy sport cars or have girlfriends. She had no problem I bought my NSX.
To bad she didn't faint from the high g's and need mouth to mouth:tongue: