Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery huh?

Haha! What a loser!

I really feel sorry for the guy. Trying so hard to live a lie and claim other people's possessions as his own. Truly sad.

Goes to show you how much fraud there is on the Internet...
With all that bling bling, you would think he would be able to buy a nicer rug that all the $$ is laying on.....Thats almost as ugly as the F&F2 NSX.
geez... i wasted my bandwidth on that...

*lol* oh... that guy forgot to also paste links to <A HREF="">his track NSX</A> and <A HREF="">his city driving NSX</A> and his <A HREF="">race-meet NSX</A>...

I believe the NSX is your destiny.

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 01 January 2003).]