I'm finally going home!!

19 April 2009
Mid Atlantic Area
I'm wrapping up my tour in Kuwait. While it wasn't anything special, it has kept me away from my wife and my car for over a year.

Shout out to the community for keeping me entertained and connected to my car (somewhat). I've missed driving it... especially since all I got to drive here are some scrubby crossovers and a 15pax van.

Lame that it's practically winter by the time I get to drive.

Hopefully I'll see some of you Florida and Mid-Atlantic guys on my way through back to Maryland.
Thank you for your service and welcome home! I'm excited for your coming reunion :smile:
Your a smart smart man. Notice how you put your wife before your car. Good move.:wink:

"kept me away from my wife and my car for over a year".
Thank you for your service! Please come home safely!
thank you for your service.

wait till you see colors again.

you will know what I am talking about when you get back to real civilization

welcome back
Haha, thanks guys. I'm getting on the bird in a few days. I can't wait to leave all this sand behind.

And by colors, Shawn, you talkin about everything but Tan, sand, and Tan?

Yeah.. I'm down.. I can't wait to see that orange-ness.


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I'm sure you've had your fill of sand.I'm glad prime could entertain you during your tour.As everyone has said thankyou for serving our country! Now i could make some cute remarks about changing your cars oil.....and.....:wink:
I remember that day like it was yesterday. Savor it.

Thank you for your service.
wow seems the patriotic threads bring out some of our more infamous lurkers:eek:
Secretly he meant his car as his wife. Lol
Thanks for all you do.
Welcome back.

LoL. I knew a Primer would pick up on this...

Nothing special? :confused:

You're doing something a hell of a lot more brave than I could ever have the guts to do. :cool:

Thank you.

What I do is small relative to what some of my buddies do out there in Afghanistan where the real crap is happening. A close friend of mine was actually engaged in a fierce firefight and they lost a couple of guys... I'm thankful it wasn't him.. and I'm thankful I'm not there.. Bless those who are..

when i was a GI we:

* said FIGMO when we got our orders to DEROS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_Eligible_for_Return_from_Overseas)

* called it The Freedom Bird our FB was a C-141

* used the phrase SHORT! when we got to <30 days

man ... nothing like coming back to The World ... nothing like it at all.

welcome home.

Haha, lucky me, I think I'm flying commercial. I flew in a C130 once. I was in there with 30 other people and a wrecker. Haha.. not the most comfy flight.

I'm sure you've had your fill of sand.I'm glad prime could entertain you during your tour.As everyone has said thankyou for serving our country! Now i could make some cute remarks about changing your cars oil.....and.....:wink:

Hahaha. Oh yessss

wow seems the patriotic threads bring out some of our more infamous lurkers:eek:

I went back to see what you meant. I guess the redeploying air brings about some nostalgic feelings?
wow seems the patriotic threads bring out some of our more infamous lurkers:eek:

hmmm.......was thinking the same thing about my tres amigos from the bay. That means they have been watching us all this time. We will have that lunch.

Anyway, for LoveNSXs, Thank you for your service and welcome home! :smile: