I'm 40....Buy the NSX now or later?

Your 40, Buy the nsx! Im stupid and bought my nsx when I was 20, and in college. When I say starve, I starve. but you know what theres not a day that goes by that regret it. I Struggle to pay for school and my appt which has a garage(a must) and the nsx payments. I say go for it. The best thing about the nsx is that you can always sell it with very little to no loss at all. Geez if you find a good enough deal you can make money:biggrin:
it is never to late to buy one
im 21 now and it was the best purchase i have ever made
u wont regret it unless u dont buy one :biggrin:
I think business. It's too late for NSX. I'm 28 and feel like it's almost late, but I will get one right now before I have another kid and get to my "mid age"

I think at 40 I will prefer nice big benz :tongue:
katit said:
I think business. It's too late for NSX. I'm 28 and feel like it's almost late, but I will get one right now before I have another kid and get to my "mid age"

I think at 40 I will prefer nice big benz :tongue:

easy to say now, try it when you're 40 :). once into sports cars, always into sports cars.

- rob, 1 year until 40 and not even close to giving up fast cars or enthusiastic driving
Here is the solution pray about it. Ask God for direction. It has always worked for me.

No, that is how one can justify invading Iraq, spending $300B, killing 3000 twenty-somethings and killing a few hundred thousand people in the process. And continue to believe what a favor you have done for the world.

Please go buy the NSX.

Your idea of buying a "stable and money making business" along with "using other peoples money" is right outta Disneyland.

I suppose you might be able to use a hedge fund to leverage out a company like Kmart/Sears OR convince Sequoia Capitol to fund youtube.com, which funded Google, to in turn pressure Google to buy the money pit for $1,6 BILLION OR using private funds to raid Hertz before taking a small percentage of the compay public to repay the initial sale price...but such things are exceedingly rare. If you are going to use those models as your business idea that used other peoples money: they work, but you'll need a lotta luck and a lotta connections. Good Luck.

In any event: buy the NSX now. The cost is inconsequential compared to the above business models. It will also make you look more successful than some econobox and that you will need in fostering needed connections.

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John I don't think anyone is trying to sound mean. I could be COMPLETELY wrong here, but this is at least what I am hearing:

"I am 40, I just got divorced from my wife who I had financial disagreements with. She told me not to start a business and I did anyway, it failed. Now I am going to buy an existing business because it already has cash flow... the problem of my last business... I know little about it as I have been an elementary teacher, its $1M+, I don't have the money so I will bring in people I am assuming will invest"..... "Now what I want to know from you NSX owners, half of whom are in your 20's, is should I do it now or save it for the closing costs of my business... please give me this financial advice".

You have my respect and admiration for trying your own business despite the outcome. But excluding the elite upper echelon of shrewd investors and brilliant business people, those who are willing to "invest", are people that have little knowldege and high expectations, and eventualy kill the very business they invested in. The best type of investor therfore is a silent one, otherwise known as a bank.

Those seeking investment partners, are actually not good people to invest in anything with, because if all things were in order, they would have little use for investors.

This is the reality for 90% of all business ventures.
TURBO2GO said:
You have my respect and admiration for trying your own business despite the outcome. But excluding the elite upper echelon of shrewd investors and brilliant business people, those who are willing to "invest", are people that have little knowldege and high expectations, and eventualy kill the very business they invested in. The best type of investor therfore is a silent one, otherwise known as a bank.

Those seeking investment partners, are actually not good people to invest in anything with, because if all things were in order, they would have little use for investors.

This is the reality for 90% of all business ventures.

I don't understand a word you just said. :confused:
I'm sorry to hear about your divorce.
Breaking up with someone you have been serious with can really make you loose sight of what is important in life and what is not.
At the same time however, life is more than just 'having fun and do what you like.' There is always a need for a good place to live in, being able to buy the things you really need. There is no fun in having a nice car in front of your house and not being able to drive it.
Rational thought:
If the business you are talking about is really as good as you say it is, it is best if you invest your money and your time in that and then, when it works out, buy the NSX as a present to yourself.
Emotional thought:
This is the thought that tends to come out on top of all after going through a tough period. Like 'I only live once and I'm not getting any younger.' It makes you want to take risks you you might later regret.

I bought the NSX when I was 38. It was by far the most expensive thing I have ever bought apart from my house. The NSX was a car I always wanted. I had made a list of about 10 cars that were from OK to really nice. From brandnew relatively cheap hot hatches to the Porsche 911 and NSX. In the end I decided to buy the NSX because I did not think any of the others cars would give me the same enjoyment. Now, 4 years later, I still believe I was right. But, also, after 4 years, the NSX can STILL distract me sometimes from other things.

You are fully entitled to make your dream come true. But it doesn't make much difference if you do it now or next year. If buying a business will still make you able to buy it next year than, by all means, by it next year.
Ski_Banker said:
Are you saying that private equity and venture capital funds "destroy" value??? End up "killing" the businesses we invest in???

I surely hope that's not what you mean, but like I said, not sure...

What I meant to say is... "that sure is a beautiful NSX you got there!" :biggrin:

No I was not talking about venture capital funds... I was talking about Joe Shmoe seeing a business and asking folks "would you be willing to invest in this with me?". You are reading too much into it. My point was the private investors often see themslves as partners, stick their nose too much into the business, cause conflict, and eventualy ruin the business they invested in.
TURBO2GO said:
What I meant to say is... "that sure is a beautiful NSX you got there!" :biggrin:

No I was not talking about venture capital funds... I was talking about Joe Shmoe seeing a business and asking folks "would you be willing to invest in this with me?". You are reading too much into it. My point was the private investors often see themslves as partners, stick their nose too much into the business, cause conflict, and eventualy ruin the business they invested in.

Gotcha... must say, I'm a sucker for '05 Silverstones. "So choice." :biggrin:
If its going to make you have some sanity get the NSX.......buy a clean used NSX 91-94 in the low 30s......If not then just do your business venture and get it within a few years. Also you can always sell the car and not lose much money for it if you feel its not something you cannot keep.
It all depends on your financial stabilty and how much liquidity and other investments you have. At 40 you have a stable job but if the business fails, can you withstand a total lost of your money? How long will it take to save another $ 70,000?

I'm 44 started 2 businesses and never made anything in them. As a commissioned sales person, I am better able to make money and save. At the same time I've owned 3 NSX's and can retire now if I wanted from my job.
When you decide to buy the NSX, this name is taken!

Life is full of rational decisions. Age 40 may well be the halfway point for many of us. At the present time, considering your current job, are you financially on track for retirement? If the answer is yes, then permit yourself to make an emotional decision, and BUY THE NSX.
Quick...buy it now before your Viagra bill kicks in !! lol
I'd say get the car because life is short and the highways are soooo long!!

just my 2 cents worth...