Ill be in Houston

Kswift is out, plans pushed to next week.

Wheelman never responded if he is making it.

That leaves Bsudiro and myself....I suggest we cancel the meet, this place is an hour from my house.

Bsudiro, call me at 713-248-0050 if you would like to make different sent.
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I just called Zake to let them know if you come in Bsudiro to call me as plans have changed. The girl said she didn't have our name on the list, but I told her to just give you my number if you walk in asking for us.
Sorry everyone, wife and kid are just in a bad state. I couldn't leave them like that. My wife suggested that I go for an hour but it just wouldn't be the same. Well, it looks like everything is falling in place for next week then. August 18@ 5pm, I will be there until I have to excuse myself...hehehee