If you will be at the track,but not driving...

30 January 2001
I'm hoping,maybe too much, that some spectaters might be able to form an official "best or sweetest sounding car at the track" jury.Nothing too tough.I figure you all get together during the various run groups and jot down car number and whether the car is loud sweet or loud nasty :cool: .If someone wants to really go the extra mile bring some recording medium so we can have it to add to primes data base.It should'nt be too hard to have the owners tell us after the fact what mods were done.The best place to do this might be the grandstand near the end of the front straight were revs will be high,and throttles will be blipped for the downshifts into turn 1 :D If this post gets some takers you can post here or say hi at the event.See you all in Corning.
DocJohn is sucking up fairly early for some votes. Too bad his brakes squeak too loudly to be able to appreciate his "black flag special" exhaust.
Great Idea!

Since some attendees may not regularly visit NSXPRIME and see this post, perhaps, you may want to make an announment again during the drivers' meeting, please?
A little Shakespeare here, "Tubi or not Tubi, that is the question", or is it "To bee, or not to bee?" I really don't know :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'll be at the track but, unfortunately, I won't be driving. However, this does mean that I'll be available to evaluate the melodious harmonies created by those aluminum clad fossil fuel burners. Let me know what kind of scoring system you'd like to use. Perhaps a category for best quality exhast note and a second for overall decibel champion?
Great!See if you can round up some others for a quorum!