If you were single

Katie Curic or Elvira.:confused:
This is really starting to resemble the "Hottest Girl" thread.

And I like it! :wink:

I think I have an Italian fetish
Megan Fox... or is she too young... damn, I know I'll be a dirtly old man one day! :biggrin:
If you were single

I'm not certain how pertinent this distinction is... but could someone please link me over to the "If you were not single" thread. All I can find using search is the "Hottest guy" thread in the vendor forum. :confused:

I mean come on, this thread is bound to be a boring repeat of the "Hottest girl you've ever seen" thread. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd much rather read about how an NSX sightings thread led to someones divorce (i.e. "She asked. Honey... was that you with the downforce side skirts and Type R hood I saw the other day parked outside of ghetto view apartments?"

"No honey, no that wasn't me.... I have the cantrell side skirts..." :tongue: :biggrin:

The older you get the less important looks are.

Well, of course. Clearly it's not that some aren't smart or even have good personalities.... it's just that some just seem to lack a certain crawfordness about them. Really hard to put a finger on.

Further, reallly.... why should lower standards come with age? Should it not be the other way around? Hopefully your impeccable taste in cars is still unfettered.

How do you manage female tenants that don't pay? The apartments you manage aren't in a retirement community are they Steve? :cool:
I'm not certain how pertinent this distinction is... but could someone please link me over to the "If you were not single" thread. All I can find using search is the "Hottest guy" thread in the vendor forum. :confused:

I mean come on, this thread is bound to be a boring repeat of the "Hottest girl you've ever seen" thread. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd much rather read about how an NSX sightings thread led to someones divorce (i.e. "She asked. Honey... was that you with the downforce side skirts and Type R hood I saw the other day parked outside of ghetto view apartments?"

"No honey, no that wasn't me.... I have the cantrell side skirts..." :tongue: :biggrin:

Well, of course. Clearly it's not that some aren't smart or even have good personalities.... it's just that some just seem to lack a certain crawfordness about them. Really hard to put a finger on.

Further, reallly.... why should lower standards come with age? Should it not be the other way around? Hopefully your impeccable taste in cars is still unfettered.

How do you manage female tenants that don't pay? The apartments you manage aren't in a retirement community are they Steve? :cool:

Oh, I have had several offers of a form of payment other than cash if you know what I mean. And no we aren't talking geriatric patients either.

I guess what I mean about the looks thing is the amount of BS you have to put up with always seems to increase as the "good looks" meter swings further to the right.

I have to admit when some of my younger friends talk about how their super fine girlfriend is causing them grief I still get a bit of a chubby. When I was younger I just loved those types that kept life exciting.
"show me the most beautiful girl in the world and I'll show you a guy who is sick of being with her". I don't know whose original quote it is...
"show me the most beautiful girl in the world and I'll show you a guy who is sick of being with her". I don't know whose original quote it is...

Very true, but the reverse does apply when you think about it.....the more wealthy, good looking, and successful a man is, the less BS he will tend to tolerate from a woman, knowing that many viable replacements aren't too far off.
Very true, but the reverse does apply when you think about it.....the more wealthy, good looking, and successful a man is, the less BS he will tend to tolerate from a woman, knowing that many viable replacements aren't too far off.

hey that sounds like this guy I knew about 15-20 years ago. :biggrin:

sits with the same distant stare Owen wilson had on his face in meet the parents when he was talking about ben stillers soon to be wife.
and could only have one girl based on looks alone, who would it be?

For some strange reason, Christina Aguilera. At least for a night or two. :biggrin: