If you had unlimited $$$ (what would "YOU" do?)

I will have my NSX roof cut away and transform it in a NSX!!!
cars...of course...family...of course...but the odd things would be:

Fund Episode III of Star Wars...jsut because I could and have some say over that dialogue!

Make some more huge budget movie of nerdy crap I think would be cool! A REAL Car movie anyone? Hire everyone from this board for input.

Build my dream house with Home theater the size of the IMAX...

this is fantasy world right? so...

Take a trip into Space. Fund Another Lunar LAnding...with me on it. Build the coolest Submarine ever to explore the Abysses (or Abyssi?) ^_^

Buy an Island in no-ones jurisdiction and start my own soveriegn nation! REpublic of Scott!

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

Fund Peter Jackson and crew to film and release all of the scenes from the Lord of the Rings that they had to cut out for time and budget reasons (I don't care if the film ends up 30 hours long - I want to see everything!!). then I would have him film The Silmarillion and the Hobbit! I would also like creative input on that endeavor.

Cars: McLaren F1 (Road Car), Koeniggsegg, Porsche Carrera 4 (for the Michigan winters

Big House and Garage with lots of Property and then I would concentrate on the Tolkien stuff.

'91 Black/Black
Afterthought. I would get a tattoo. I have always wanted to get a tattoo, but have been afraid it would effect peoples perception of me. With unlimited funds I would not have to care if it offended someone.
If the funds were truly unlimited, I could set up not just friends and family, but everyone for life, but of course that would create runaway inflation, and ruin the economy!
I would buy every government in the world, disarm all of the nukes, and hire scientists to research cold fusion instead.

I would build a race track in outer space and make a ferry that transported you and your car there.

I would buy Honda motor corporation and build an NSX with more power (since that is the only thing people have to complain about with this car).

I would take all of the people that were sentenced to life imprisonment or death, and build jails in one geographic location that no-one cares about, like antarctica or something, and use the space from the old jails to build homes for the poor.

I would buy every corporation in the world and sell all products below cost to anyone whose income was below a certain amount, or who was responsible for a certain amount of dependents.

I would buy an NSX and put a CA EXEMPT licence plate on it.

I would pay teachers $20,000,000.99 a year after they have been teaching for 5-years and are pass a review by a commitee that I would appoint.

I would pay artists to decorate the walls of every building with wonderful paintings and the halls with wonderful sculptures.

I would hire the most renowned college professers to be my children's personal tutors.

I would buy the entire coast of Southern California, and hold racing events strictly for NSXs up and down PCH and intersecting streets and highways.

I would buy an NSX for anyone who displayed a genuine interest in the car (no ricers, they can have a supra)... hey, it's MY money.

After all that, I would buy myself a house in Santa Monica right above the PCH, put an NSX in the garage, along with an Accord, and an SL 55 AMG (for my future wife)... And there would always be food in the refridgerator.
Give plenty to charity. (truly)
Take care of My Mother. (Big$$$$ in itself)
Take care of Family (Siblings)
Build a Race track like the Ring.
Build a House out of Abandoned military complex. With a very large Garage.
Purchase a few Autos.
1.Porsche 962CR
2.Ferrari 333sp
3.Ferrari GTO
4.Ferrari Enzo
5.Mclaren F1LM
6.Astom Martin Vanquish
7. Send my NSX to a real friggin Mechanic.
Actually fly a real friggin NSX mechanic in to St. Louis to fix mine and my fellow Show Me's NSX's.(forced induction all around)
They also get umlimited usage of my Race track and all of the facilities.
Better yet Mark Basch you would get relocated.
8.Pay my delinquint PCA dues.
9.Send my wife on a long Vacation of her choice. (with the kids)
10.Build a buddy Garage that can hold and service up to 50 cars. Fully furnished.
Stereo, Home theater Kitchen, Strip Club,
Casino, Cigar bar. (Nothing over the top)
And this would be my last post.
1. I'd get myself a real NSX.
2. fly myself and the NSX to the US so i can go cruising with you guys at NSXPO 2003. ;-)
3. buy Lud an NSX for all his work on nsxprime (as long as he made me a forum leader
Originally posted by len3.8:
9.Send my wife on a long Vacation of her choice. (with the kids)


Does this mean that you are not going for a vacation with them
I would certainly have to start dressing in mink coats and gator boots, build a house next to Gates (twice as big), I'd have to buy Elvis's Graceland and live there for a while, start a magizine that features pics of myself lying naked in money with hot chicks and send it to my ex-wife for X-mas, build myself a casino/hotel in Vegas and name it Biff's, and of course party like a rock star til my liver goes.

"I always tell the truth, even when I lie"