If the timing belt breaks does it hurt the engine?

16 October 2008
St. Louis
I just bought a 1991 NSX with 117,000 miles. It didn't come with many maintenance records and I can't determine if it has had the timing belt replaced or not. I have heard that timing belt breaks, in some engines, can cause serious damage. Is this engine one of "those"?
Help Appreciated!
Its going to cost more to repair that what you spent buying the car, most likely.

This is why its IMPERATIVE to know these things before you purchase.

I would not drive this car ONE MILE before I did timing belt, water pump, and all coolant hoses, at a BARE MINIMUM.
I hear tell that if you use the intertoobs you can find this stuff out. :tongue:

I also hear tell that before you buy a car, especially an expensive one with expensive maintenance & repair costs, that you should get the records on it FIRST. If it doesn't have any, it's not done & adjust price accordingly since you will have to do it once it's yours & then you KNOW you have a clean slate to start.


Will also hurt your wallet when it breaks.

Might want to consider one of these (I have one) : http://www.nengun.com/toda/high-power-timing-belt

or these:
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Its going to cost more to repair that what you spent buying the car, most likely.

This is why its IMPERATIVE to know these things before you purchase.

I would not drive this car ONE MILE before I did timing belt, water pump, and all coolant hoses, at a BARE MINIMUM.

Well, it's not going to cost more than price of the car but it will require a top-end rebuild at the very least and possibly a full rebuild if any pistons get damaged. That will cost somewhere between $4,000-$8,000 depending on the severity. You can always swap motors for around the same price.

If no maintenance records are with the car the cost of performing all services that may be necessary to that point should be deducted from the asking price of the car. Let some other fool buy the car if the seller isn't willing to accept this. I hope the price you paid for the car took into account this fact. If so, no worries--just do the services ASAP and drive the car as little as possible until then.
Do a search to determine if your car is in the snap ring range. Once you do that, do the necessary maintaince.

Good luck.
That will cost somewhere between $4,000-$8,000 depending on the severity. You can always swap motors for around the same price.

I can do an engine swap for $4-8k ?????
It only hurts if the engine is running when it breaks.
Apologies for a slight tangent, but I've always wondered why Honda didn't go with timing chains? Is there some advantage to using a timing belt over a chain?
Apologies for a slight tangent, but I've always wondered why Honda didn't go with timing chains? Is there some advantage to using a timing belt over a chain?

Chains are noisier and less efficient, generally.

Since there are other reasons to access that area for other services I don't think Honda even thought twice about it. The only benefit is less risk of spontaneous breakage and increased replacement intervals but isn't 7 years/90K miles enough? I have never heard a story of premature TB failure either on an NSX or any other car.
A good used C30 motor can be had for $4-6K and figure about $2K for labor.

May be the economy,but when I went shopping for a complete engine 2 yrs ago they were 6-8k