Ideal track/fast road set up?

8 October 2004
London, UK
Currently the NSX my dad owns is used as a track toy, but we do drive it to the track (often a couple of hundred miles). We are wondering what modifications people have made to their NSX's? Ours is a 2001 model.

We have had the brake discs warp twice now (though we skimmed the faulty ones opposed to replacing them and so are now getting an AP 6 pot kit. Althought we found the brakes powerful and progressive, they just don't have that killer bite.

Suspension wise it is standard, something we aim to change as its slightly softer than we need and is a bit too oversteery.

Also the aerodynamics aren't that great (research shows the NSX doesn't has a certain amount of lift), on long bends it will oversteer.

So, basically, whats the best suspension around? It would be nice to see a mild (springs and dampers) package cost and also whatever the best coilover suspension is? It can't be that low, remember, road use too!

What aerodynamic packages actually work? My dad might get a new Type R rear spoiler and valance, will that help much?

Any info/tips appreciated..!

robfenn said:
We are wondering what modifications people have made to their NSX's? Ours is a 2001 model.

Pone's NSX

That's what I have so far. The only things I'd add to the list are:

CTech or SoS rear beam
CTech front camber bushings
CTech Hi Vol Oil Pump
CTech Rollbar

robfenn said:
We have had the brake discs warp twice now (though we skimmed the faulty ones opposed to replacing them and so are now getting an AP 6 pot kit. Althought we found the brakes powerful and progressive, they just don't have that killer bite.

There are more than a few contentious threads about the stock NSX brakes. Do a search and you'll see a bunch of good debate and reasoning. Stoptech and Comptech offer 4 wheel kits that are good options to the AP version.

robfenn said:
Suspension wise it is standard, something we aim to change as its slightly softer than we need and is a bit too oversteery.

The NSX is designed to be a little on the understeer side at the limit. Maybe just back off of the throttle a little bit when you're at the edge to get it to track right? I think the consensus is that a good aftermarket suspension is going to make the car oversteer more at the edge. I think a good option is the NSX-R suspendo. Or go balls out and get the Comptech Pro, Moton, or JRZ units.

robfenn said:
Also the aerodynamics aren't that great (research shows the NSX doesn't has a certain amount of lift), on long bends it will oversteer.

The NSX does have a little lift but certainly not that bad. I always thought the NSX has fairly good aero with an equal downforce balance front and rear. You may want to check out the specs on the NSX-R and use that as a model for your track car build up.

robfenn said:
So, basically, whats the best suspension around? It would be nice to see a mild (springs and dampers) package cost and also whatever the best coilover suspension is? It can't be that low, remember, road use too!

Then you'll want to go with something double or triple adjustable...

Comptech Pro

But realize that the more adjustable a car is, the more headaches you'll have adjusting it. :( For instance, I've spent the last 7 months trying to get my car corner-balanced. :mad:

robfenn said:
What aerodynamic packages actually work? My dad might get a new Type R rear spoiler and valance, will that help much?

There aren't any official "packages" out there. You can mix and match various aero parts to create a balance. Again, you may want to look at the NSX-R as a good model from which to start from.

In any event, go hug your father for not only buying such an awesome car but also involving you in tracking it. I would have loved for my dad and I to do that together. :)
lol, thanks for the detailed reply. I am only 19 and do feel very privileged to get to drive the NSX!

I saw some nice bits of Science of Speed, the suspension stuff i remember from what you have said.

The hardest thing is that were in the UK, there are hardly any over here (about 12 NSX's sold a year) so getting hold of parts/knowledge is very hard.

How is your setup going? So far we've experience absolutely no understeer..but maybe the US OE setup is different..

I'll research some of the stuff you've mentioned. Thanks again.

ummm, excuse me if you think this is an understatement to you:

As you complaining oversteering, have you and your dad played around with the tire pressure? The stock recommending cold tire pressure is 32 front 40 rear, I've been my local track for six times now and I'm only running street tires (Kumho MX). I've found that the stock tires pressure is way too high for track driving. I had tried 32/35 cold and it still feeling the rear end a tad 'floaty', my last 3 track days, I settled myself with 32/35 Hot ( I adjusted the pressure as soon as I got off from first session,) (which translated to around 25/27 in my garage temp.(cold tire))

You sounded like you are experiencing undesired body roll on the track, but you kind of enjoy the comfort on road, I'm in the same boat. I particularly like the car firm and balanced ride. According to Andrie, he recommend the Comptech Pro is the suspension to go, however, it's a $3000+ susupension, so it's not exactly "an easy" suspension upgrade on wallet. ;) Someone would go for Zanardi or JDM typeS Zero suspension, I believed SOS sold them too.
If you are not interested on putting too much money on the adj. suspension, I'll at least try a thicker sway bar and see if that will take care the body roll.
I went the other way and got the TeinRA, (not installed yet), some don't think Tein suspension is too harsh; I agreed but it's definately not an everyday suspension.I figured I could only enjoyed my car the most on a race track, so a harsher suspension can save me some mileage on everyday drive..:rolleyes:

On the brake, I really learnt that the pads making big differences on initial bite and performance. I'm still using stock caliper with stock size slotted rotors. In terms of upgrade, I could go for a better 2 pieces "cyro treated" rotors, air deflector/duct for cooling or even a more aggressive pads or even a stock location Spoon caliper. At my stage, I didn't need any of those yet. So I guessed we don't need to break the bank for the coolest setup yet.

Again, without knowing you and your father, I maybe 10 times worse driver than you thus my advise is like a babytalk to you. But if you are in the same level of me (intermediate to advance group in Open Lapping days, No Real racing experience), the nsx only needs very light modification to be appreciated.
Thanks for the reply! Tyre pressures are something which has been experimented with of late, your opinion is spot on with our thinking..

I will pass your comment on.

Many thanks,

Why don't you post these questions on the UK forum? I know your Dad is on there. Three of us that regularly track the cars have different suspension setups. We are also going to Bedford on the 20th Nov. Why not go too, and see what the differences are like?

Without knowing you Dad's driving style and experience it's impossible to say what he needs. As I've been tracking the car for 5 years now, I have been able to make small incremental changes over the years, to suit my driving.

Ponyboy said:
Pone's NSX

That's what I have so far. The only things I'd add to the list are:

CTech or SoS rear beam
CTech front camber bushings
CTech Hi Vol Oil Pump
CTech Rollbar

I have heard that the Comptech Rollbar is not SCCA Legal. Does anyone know if this is true or not?

Yeah, it's not SCCA legal. But since my car isn't a SCCA race car I just wanted it for rollover B pillar protection and peace of mind. I got a quote for a rollcage and it was over 3K. It's 5K now since China is taking all of the world's steel production. :(

Now, I hear that the rollbar doesn't fit cars with aftermarket seats. So I may have to revert to my own devices after all.