I won't say goodbye, I will say thank you.

Wait, ur just in Bakersfield? That's not even that far if so. Austin was going from Bakersfield to Visalia and back then back here all the time.
Wait, ur just in Bakersfield? That's not even that far if so. Austin was going from Bakersfield to Visalia and back then back here all the time.

LOL wait, really? You're only going that far? OOHH EEEMMM GGGEEE, thats a short drive to us man. Hell, most meets are2 hrs from my house.

Try about 100 miles west of there:wink:
If this trip were an overnighter, we could do both.

That would work out well. This way one day we do what my girl wants and next day I do what I want....or she could stay at hotel trackday :)

If this happens, hopefully it happens when im available to go.
I'll be meeting with Les tomorrow to plan our summer drives so if there is some interest......
if youre serious about a drive to central coast then im going if im back by then. I would be staying a weekend even f others dont just cause I dont want to drive that far and back in one day and would be a nice little get away with the lady. Some wine during the day, sexy time at night and morning and Button Willow next day. Sounds fun.
Good luck with the move! Maybe I'll see you next month at Buttonwillow for the time attack event.
Sorry to hear you're moving Jonathan, but I wish you luck on your new venture! I'm sure you'll find you way back here somehow, nothing beat SoCal :biggrin:

San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles? I foresee a rode trip to the vineyards!

Now I just feel plain loved! :tongue:

I was thinking about talking to Les about the possibility, by as always those with less hair and more wisdom than myself have beat me to the punch!

Just so everyone knows; I am posting from central California at my temporary home. Safe and sound. Miss you all and hopefully will see everyone again very soon. I'm driving back down for the next few weekends to tie up all lose ends.
How's the weather up there? It's hot as you know what out here.

JC, you are allowed to drive now lol

adrian, you gona drive up there for real? You can't even make it down the hill to my place haha.
You so aren't allowed to show up without some kind of delectable treat for me!!! I'm salivating just thinking about it Patty!

Treats for you but only if you update me on your love life. :biggrin:
How's the weather up there? It's hot as you know what out here.

JC, you are allowed to drive now lol

adrian, you gona drive up there for real? You can't even make it down the hill to my place haha.

If I get invited every once in a while I would drive. You're not that far from me and im always up for a drive or just hang out. :p
If I get invited every once in a while I would drive. You're not that far from me and im always up for a drive or just hang out. :p

Then when ever you are around I'm down. Your presence will scare the neighbor with that beard hahaha.

And +1 to what Jc said. Lets just keep it to johns life, I don't want to know what John is doing to himself :p