I will miss you guys in Florida

30 November 2005
Kissimmee, FL
Just wanted to drop a line to all the prime members in the central Florida area that I was lucky enough to meet before moving.

You will all be missed, but there is always an open door up here in Tennessee if you're looking to slay the dragon!

Took the NSX with my FATHER in it through Deal's Gap the other day, he said it was an experience he'd never forget, and bought a shirt at the CRoT shop. Then I took him up the Cherohala and it was flurrying with snow at the top of the mountain! That wasn't cool.

Anyway, wish I could have made one last BBQ, but I was gone waiting for the movers in Maryville.

Hope to keep in touch with you guys and look forward to hearing from you regularly.

Best wishes,
Hey Brian,

You just got here to Kissimmee/Orlando. Why the move so quick? I'll have to keep in touch..I've wanted to drive the "Dragon" for a while. Good luck up there. Hope it doesn't get too cold! :biggrin:
A lot of the reasons I moved to Florida just didn't work for me anymore. Property taxes skyrocketed on my home, my cost of living increased, the roads were terrible for my motorcycling habit. What good is riding in 70 degree weather if all you do is ride straight?

Even my area got so congested it took almost an hour to go 20 miles to work. I just wasn't enjoying my life there.

I picked a new location, where hopefully things will be what I was looking for. Just have to deal with a little more cold weather.
Best of luck B. You'll be missed, but keep in touch with us, alright! Remember to keep it keep it under 120 at all times! Your "wingman" Oster's not up there to run interference for you on those high speed spats down "warning/ticket lane" anymore!!! jk :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Goodness, i dont think i'll live that drive to Melbourne down, lol. Definitely one of the most fun times Brian and i had together. By all means, one of the great guys i've met thru the Nsx club. Looking forward to seeing you again. We can just add a few more twist to our next drive :biggrin: together. I would love to go to Deal's gap also.
You havent heard the last from me Brian :smile:
