I was carjacked

Yeah there was a woman that shot her instuctor with a 357 revolver at a local range about 3 years ago,,,,they have tighter rules now..

.and yes its a no brainer that if a gun is pointed at you, you do not pull your weapon at that time,

My point was that people are getting used to being victims and are ok with it.

If our laws alowed persons to defend themselfs and persons were properly trained to do so, crime would be greatly reduced.
NsXMas said:
Agreed. That's an amazing quote from a police officer!! :eek:

Even more amazing is I have heard almost the exact same thing. This cop did not even know what brand or caliber gun he has required to carry while on duty. :eek:
I hope they catch those bastards. I have a friend that is a P.G county cop. If I can do anything, let me know. If you want I can have him check into it.

zahntech said:
Yeah there was a woman that shot her instuctor with a 357 revolver at a local range about 3 years ago,,,,they have tighter rules now..

.and yes its a no brainer that if a gun is pointed at you, you do not pull your weapon at that time,

My point was that people are getting used to being victims and are ok with it.

If our laws alowed persons to defend themselfs and persons were properly trained to do so, crime would be greatly reduced.

I agree 110%. Had I been in his stiuation, as soon as the guy got in my car and shifted his attention to the car itself, Id have put a hot one in his head. I can replace the interior. But to allow this piece of human trash to do it again, possibly to someone I love, hell no. And I do carry a gun on my person and under my seat, just for this very reason. Cant always reach under the seat if you know what I mean.
" Had I been in his stiuation, as soon as the guy got in my car and shifted his attention to the car itself, Id have put a hot one in his head."

Yeah you can do that in TX, If you did that here in seattle you would goto jail for murder.
zahntech said:
" Had I been in his stiuation, as soon as the guy got in my car and shifted his attention to the car itself, Id have put a hot one in his head."

Yeah you can do that in TX, If you did that here in seattle you would goto jail for murder.

I think that sucks. What happend to "right to bear arms"?

I had a guy break into my parents house one day while I was there. He took off when he saw me but I got a shot off. Killed the refrigerator, damn it. He got away but the responding officer said that if gonna shoot at an intruder, be sure to kill him so he cant sue me for assault. He said if you have to chase him down to do it then drag his ass back in your house afterwards. :eek: :cool:
loNfastNSX said:
I think that sucks. What happend to "right to bear arms"?

I had a guy break into my parents house one day while I was there. He took off when he saw me but I got a shot off. Killed the refrigerator, damn it. He got away but the responding officer said that if gonna shoot at an intruder, be sure to kill him so he cant sue me for assault. He said if you have to chase him down to do it then drag his ass back in your house afterwards. :eek: :cool:

I've heard the same thing! crazy, huh?
There's a lot of blabla on this thread.

In many states, you have an unqualified right to safety in your own home, and these jurisdictions have "Make My Day" laws on the books. If someone is in your home unlawfully, you have no duty to retreat and imminent harm is assumed under the law. Colorado is one such state, Virginia is another. If some badguy is in your house, waste them. It's only a matter of time before they work their own way up to homicide anyway. Professional criminals don't "reform," they get shot or end up in jail. The average homicide perp has a 6 year rap sheet.

As for pulling a gun when someone is pointing one at you, actually, this is a fairly successful strategy, because most badguys are lousy shots. Store clerks do this all the time. If you are going to pull something against a gun, it has to be another gun, though. At that point, ESCAPE becomes the perp's primary goal. This is a profession for him, not a feud or a larger cause. It's about gettin his hustle on and no hood is willing to die over a $20 stick or even a big money 211. They may fire as they back up and you might get hit, but this could happen anyway. Also, a lot of thugs have lousy weapons, maybe even fake, and probably going to jam, and very often low calibre. Yeah, if it's on your dome, you're late to the party, but I've known guys who had guns pointed at them in attempted carjackings who just reached onto their lap and showed a .44 magnum and the homie took off.

The moral of the story is that you do NOT have to have IMMENSE tactical training to successfully use a firearm! Look at our friend rogers. You think those guys had training? Yet they succeed in forcefully robbing a man's money and his car in public. Why? Because people are SCARED of guns. Roberts did not want to die. Neither did the crooks. There have been ample cases of people merely showing guns and thugs who was all hard the millisecond before end up scooting backwards like Sarah Conner in T2.

The only people you'd actually have to shoot are those w/ a death wish. Fortunately, they're rare. Zahntech talks about how rights are being eroded and then we get into a discussion about how YOU are NEVER going to be qualified to get out of an armed robbery attempt ANYWAY without mountains of training and the killer instinct of Josie Wales. BOTH of these misconceptions create victim mindsets. Nobody is gonna take your gun away from you. BELIEVE ME. Once you start squeezing the trigger and the bullets start flyin by and those REALLY loud noises happen, NOBODY trying to steal your wealth is going to make it into a soldier's cause. Hell, they have to condition soldiers in the first place NOT to recoil at the sound of gunfire. Horses, too. The sh!t is LIZZOUD.
liftshard said:
There's a lot of blabla on this thread.

In many states, you have an unqualified right to safety in your own home, and these jurisdictions have "Make My Day" laws on the books. If someone is in your home unlawfully, you have no duty to retreat and imminent harm is assumed under the law. Colorado is one such state, Virginia is another. If some badguy is in your house, waste them. It's only a matter of time before they work their own way up to homicide anyway. Professional criminals don't "reform," they get shot or end up in jail. The average homicide perp has a 6 year rap sheet.

As for pulling a gun when someone is pointing one at you, actually, this is a fairly successful strategy, because most badguys are lousy shots. Store clerks do this all the time. If you are going to pull something against a gun, it has to be another gun, though. At that point, ESCAPE becomes the perp's primary goal. This is a profession for him, not a feud or a larger cause. It's about gettin his hustle on and no hood is willing to die over a $20 stick or even a big money 211. They may fire as they back up and you might get hit, but this could happen anyway. Also, a lot of thugs have lousy weapons, maybe even fake, and probably going to jam, and very often low calibre. Yeah, if it's on your dome, you're late to the party, but I've known guys who had guns pointed at them in attempted carjackings who just reached onto their lap and showed a .44 magnum and the homie took off.

The moral of the story is that you do NOT have to have IMMENSE tactical training to successfully use a firearm! Look at our friend rogers. You think those guys had training? Yet they succeed in forcefully robbing a man's money and his car in public. Why? Because people are SCARED of guns. Roberts did not want to die. Neither did the crooks. There have been ample cases of people merely showing guns and thugs who was all hard the millisecond before end up scooting backwards like Sarah Conner in T2.

The only people you'd actually have to shoot are those w/ a death wish. Fortunately, they're rare. Zahntech talks about how rights are being eroded and then we get into a discussion about how YOU are NEVER going to be qualified to get out of an armed robbery attempt ANYWAY without mountains of training and the killer instinct of Josie Wales. BOTH of these misconceptions create victim mindsets. Nobody is gonna take your gun away from you. BELIEVE ME. Once you start squeezing the trigger and the bullets start flyin by and those REALLY loud noises happen, NOBODY trying to steal your wealth is going to make it into a soldier's cause. Hell, they have to condition soldiers in the first place NOT to recoil at the sound of gunfire. Horses, too. The sh!t is LIZZOUD.

Yeah.....well anyway,, rogers sorry to hear about your problems and I hope you can get your car back and the thugs get busted....see ya
liftshard said:
...The only people you'd actually have to shoot are those w/ a death wish. Fortunately, they're rare. Zahntech talks about how rights are being eroded and then we get into a discussion about how YOU are NEVER going to be qualified to get out of an armed robbery attempt ANYWAY without mountains of training and the killer instinct of Josie Wales. BOTH of these misconceptions create victim mindsets. Nobody is gonna take your gun away from you. BELIEVE ME. Once you start squeezing the trigger and the bullets start flyin by and those REALLY loud noises happen, NOBODY trying to steal your wealth is going to make it into a soldier's cause. Hell, they have to condition soldiers in the first place NOT to recoil at the sound of gunfire. Horses, too. The sh!t is LIZZOUD.
Have you been carjacked, robbed? Until you have, I don't think you can really comment on this.

I have never been, so there's no way I can tell what it's like. The best I can do is do simulation exercises. Even then, it's not like the real thing, where you could get shot.

You sound real gun ho and all. But unless you've been through a real life experience, I completely disagree with your post.

Nothing is worth a life. Rogers lived, his car is lost. Things could be a LOT worse.

I take close quarter combat courses to prepare for the worst. But I never want to take a life, not unless I must to defend my family. I do not act gun ho, I do not act cocky. I believe that most people are far better off avoiding confrontation rather than trying to shoot their way out of a bad situation.
sorry about the bad news :frown: in the future please get the clifford alarm. i have one and it has a car jacking device in it.everytime you open a door you have to put a code in or the car will shut off and wont start back up. thats one of the bad things about this car :frown: it attracts negative attention also. those clowns wouldnt have gotten three blocks with my car. good luck on your next one :smile:
bandit said:
sorry about the bad news :frown: in the future please get the clifford alarm. i have one and it has a car jacking device in it.everytime you open a door you have to put a code in or the car will shut off and wont start back up. thats one of the bad things about this car :frown: it attracts negative attention also. those clowns wouldnt have gotten three blocks with my car. good luck on your next one :smile:
Would the clifford alarm work since the carjackers had to start the car, and could have demanded the code?

I like a lo-jack type device much better.
NsXMas said:
Have you been carjacked, robbed? Until you have, I don't think you can really comment on this.

Have you? If not, why are you commenting?

I have never been, so there's no way I can tell what it's like. The best I can do is do simulation exercises. Even then, it's not like the real thing, where you could get shot.

Why you commenting, then?

You sound real gun ho and all. But unless you've been through a real life experience, I completely disagree with your post.

There's room in this world for people like you who are wrong.

Nothing is worth a life.

My car is worth the other guy's life who's trying to steal it.

I take close quarter combat courses to prepare for the worst.

O...M...G...CQB courses. To prepare for what? *I* am gun-ho? Gimme a break. I hardly ever strap up. I've found that avoiding places like Hyattsville is better than having to rely on last-resort means of self-protection.

I believe that most people are far better off avoiding confrontation rather than trying to shoot their way out of a bad situation.

I believe that if someone tries to rob you, you should shoot them. Even if you fail, you'll feel better afterward. But, sometimes, confrontation confronts YOU. You can't avoid it. You just get caught up. In those situations, realize that you are a better shot with a better gun than the other guy is. Store clerks do this, the cops do it. Does onetime just roll over and let bad guys do stuff? No. They shoot. Soldiers? They shoot. Seems like everybody WITH a gun, when confronted by a badguy, shoots. So, why shouldn't us little peon citizens do the same?

I wish rogers had had a gun and I bet he does too. Should a guy like him have to work hard for stuff just so he can get crept on by some fools who are going to be in prison or dead in 5 years?
liftshard said:
...I believe that if someone tries to rob you, you should shoot them. Even if you fail, you'll feel better afterward. But, sometimes, confrontation confronts YOU. You can't avoid it. You just get caught up. In those situations, realize that you are a better shot with a better gun than the other guy is. Store clerks do this, the cops do it. Does onetime just roll over and let bad guys do stuff? No. They shoot. Soldiers? They shoot. Seems like everybody WITH a gun, when confronted by a badguy, shoots. So, why shouldn't us little peon citizens do the same?

I wish rogers had had a gun and I bet he does too. Should a guy like him have to work hard for stuff just so he can get crept on by some fools who are going to be in prison or dead in 5 years?
You're kidding me right?? :eek:

In 90% of the country it is a felony to shoot someone unless your life is in danger. If you feel like going to prison for murder be my guest.

You're young, with a lot of machismo. You've got a lot to learn.
NsXMas said:
Would the clifford alarm work since the carjackers had to start the car, and could have demanded the code?

I like a lo-jack type device much better.
yes it will work. but they dont know that you have a code until they pull off and 45sec. later the car shuts off.
rogers said:
I would like to say to everyone be careful out there with your NSX. This weekend I was rob by gunpoint by 2 individuals in the Hyattsville, MD area. I would give more details but I’m so hurt by the event I'm speechless.
Everyone just be careful.

Sorry to hear that...
but thank GOD your ok. :smile:
I'm really contiplating to carry a armed fire arm. Something small like a sub-compact .40 or .45 with stopping power. The only thing that stops me is that I live in a liberal/conservative state of California.

My dad use to have cop friends and dective buddies that would come by all the time, they said if you shoot somebody kill them, "dead people can't talk", of coarse this was for home protection.

I've been thinking abou this for along time now, and tried to mentally prepare myself not to loose my emotions, and act rational. There have been times where i've driven through the bad parts of cali in my nsx....never by choice but was forced to for construction reasons, or didn't know the area but I was already driving my NSX.....Man, it did get me parinoid, I remember putting it in first gear and getting ready to launch incase somebody decided to run up on me.

I even have a plan and location to conceal it, its just I have to purchase a gun, which is no problem for me, and see if I really want to do this...i'm leaning on 55% yes and 45% no.

Any opinions prime?
Alittleboost said:
I'm really contiplating to carry a armed fire arm. Something small like a sub-compact .40 or .45 with stopping power. The only thing that stops me is that I live in a liberal/conservative state of California.

My dad use to have cop friends and dective buddies that would come by all the time, they said if you shoot somebody kill them, "dead people can't talk", of coarse this was for home protection.

I've been thinking abou this for along time now, and tried to mentally prepare myself not to loose my emotions, and act rational. There have been times where i've driven through the bad parts of cali in my nsx....never by choice but was forced to for construction reasons, or didn't know the area but I was already driving my NSX.....Man, it did get me parinoid, I remember putting it in first gear and getting ready to launch incase somebody decided to run up on me.

I even have a plan and location to conceal it, its just I have to purchase a gun, which is no problem for me, and see if I really want to do this...i'm leaning on 55% yes and 45% no.

Any opinions prime?
You do NOT want to illegally conceal a gun in the PRK. The chances of you needing to shoot someone to defend your car is slim in Kalifornia. If you do happen to shoot someone, whether you injure or kill, the Kalifornia system will punish you HARD. In Kalifornia, run away, do not try to confront. That is the way the justice system is set up, unfortunately.