I'm not sure what you mean by nitrous only lasts a few seconds
A 10lb bottle is good for several runs of 1st through 4th gears.
I meant the total driving time. Like you said a 10lb bottle is good for several runs of 1st through 4th gear. Perhaps 2~4 minutes of total run time per bottle. My point is that unlike other mods turbo/super charger, I/H/E etc, that allow you to enjoy the power 100% of time whenever you wish, for however long you like without running out. 2~4 minutes is really only good for track or occassionally street racing situations.
Also if you mount the bottle up front where the spare tire goes you will not need a bottle warmer b/c the heat from the raditor keeps it at a good temp.
That is true, however bottle blanket is still the way to go, you truely get optimimal bottle pressure.
nsxsupra, you might find a friend that has an nsx with nitrous on it. The NSX reacts VERY strongly to nitrous. It has much more of an impact on the NSX than other cars that I have had with nitrous.
I did have experienced the nitrous on NSX the first hand, 75 wet shot.
----Just my personal experience on the discussion, nothing against you at all, please don't take it the wrong way:smile: ----------
75shot definitely give it impressive gain, great confidence boost, I never did disagree about the gain, just not being able to use 100% all the time is the sole negative factor for me.
You are running 50shot, reading from your signature, you are driving turbo NSX, I would imagine, you have virtually no lag with the twin set up. Any amount of nitrous even as small as 20shot is enough for instant spool on a turbo car, in your case probably maximum boost immediately the moment nitrous hits, so you may have experienced bigger hit with 50shot on your NSX thanks to the effect it has on the turbo. The same 50shot on NA NSX will feel weak in my standard.
Quite frankly the gain is probably not as spectacular ason other cars, after all it is a fairly small displacement motor. It will not react as well as Corvette/larger displacement cars, or even turbo cars with huge turbo that use a tiny shot of nitrous to help turbo getting in to postive boost range instantly.
The original poster is a new NSX owner I believe, there are better choices for doing first mods on nsx.