I want to add a 100 hp nos to my stock nsx


21 October 2005
Home of the Free
I want to add a 100 hp nos to my stock nsx with 40k miles what kit can I buy?? Can I get a dual stage one where I can run 75 hp or 100 hp ??
Where can I find all the parts I need and what are the parts that I' ll need besides the kit? Is there any shops in the Bay Area that I can go get it done at ??
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

sorry fellas i'll write later when i stop laughing...meanwhile im going to watch 2 Fast 2 Furious, or Fast-N-Fake, whichever one is cheesier:wink: ........................:biggrin:
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I think I am missing out on something. I read here on prime people running 75hp kit on stock for years without any problems and it also said that a 100 hp kit would be fine too on a dry kit without upgrading the injectors, pistons etc. I am not that mechanically inclined and I thought they were helpfull people on here that can answer my stupid questions with out making me feel like an idiot. I just f44king flagged someone down yesterday to tell him how nice his nsx looked and how I just got one last week as well ( he just bought his from vegas 3 days ago) I told him hey you HAVE to check out NSXPRIME really good tool to get all your questions answered he said thanks alot I have a lot of questions, I'm have to check it out. You guys forget how it is when you just got your new dream and you have so much hope for it you can stop thinking about it and wondering this and that for it. I used search found out little info, then I saw a kit for sale from SNDSOUL and thought it was a great idea to get it or one like it so that WHY I CAME ON HERE TO ASK because you guys have experience with nsx's and you guys have allready been through the trail and error phase and love your cars as much as I love mine, so who better to ask?? :confused: :confused:
I should of known btcog is going to act like that I been in the service long enough to know how many knuckle heads we got. ( Ft Leonardwood been there done that)
hoohah lol hey if I had my uniform on you be saluting me and using the term you know well SIR Sir would you like me to play your favorite movie fast n fake ?? sure brandon now go get me my coffee private lol I AM HERE TO ASK QUESTIONS SO I DONT MAKE MISTAKES IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT go tell someone that cares and hijack there post.
SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYONE I just woke up first thing I did was log on hoping to have some new answers and all I got was smart ass remarks :mad: :mad:
hope you guys have a great day :cool:
I know a member here who used to run nos on his nsx without any problems then he went turbo because he needed more HP. Send a PM to member winreboot he can tell you more.
Thank you, I will pm him. Acura NsX Pilot
I want to make more clear what I am asking. Sorry for the bull above.
I have a stock 1991 nsx with 40k miles, its fast enough for me but I was hoping to have a little bit more when needed. So nitrous sounded like a good idea plus the article on Prime made me feel like 75-100 hp on stock engine isnt such a bad idea as long as I do it right. So I want to know how I can do it right? What to get, what to stay away from. Buy which kit? I know Zex, RM racing, NOS makes kits but do I need to get other parts also?? or I get everything I need with it? Like I know I need a bottle warmer but what else ?
Thank you for again for your time,
You can always talk to people like Jon Martin from Cerritos Acura.....he is one of the few people that knows everything about the nsx. Good luck with your NOS......don't get too squeeze happy. ;)

Don't forget to do the basics like Headers(DC), Intake (Gruppe M), Exhaust (Taitec Gt Lightweight, Gruppe M)...etc :smile:
This thread appears like its going to have some excitement soon:eek: :biggrin:
yaynsx, If you havent caught on yet, I believe you are getting a little flack for using the term "NOS" (ala the FnF films) instead of nitrous. NOS is a company that makes a nitrous kit, but NOS is commonly used to describe a nitrous system by people that might be somewhat out of the loop, kindof like Coke is used to describe a drink in general(at least it is in the south,"hey do you want a coke? Yeah get me a mountain dew") Dont let it get to you, nitrous is a good alternative for adding power to the NSX.
Not a flame, just some help:

Since youre not sure if you wanna go dry or wet on a 100 shot, i think you should leave the 'NOS' for what it is, until you did a lot of investigation and reading/learning about nitrous oxide, and can come up with the answer yourself.

NO2 can be safe, i personaly think you just need to understand it.
ediddynsx -Thanks I'll give Jon Martin a call and I/H/E is a must in any nsx and will do as soon as my wife lets me LOL :biggrin: I am hoping I get the intake/headers/exhaust for my birthday,
I say that out loud everyday hoping somebody feels bad enough to buy it for me :biggrin: I just have to be patient I always get what I want just not as fast. Positive side to that is I really appericiate it when I do get it.
Acura NsX Pilot- Thanks for the links
SNDSOUL - Your right LOL I read that post too and tried to use the word nitrous instead of nos because of it ( see learn new things everyday on prime)
Thats why I used the name of all companies RM,ZEX,NX,NOS to show that I know the difference. But I am young 22, probably come across as a kid to you guys because of my lack of experience with an nsx. But I am not that that bad especially since I've only been in one nsx (mine, got it 2 weeks ago, been in it 4 times) and only meet one guy before who ever had one, he is a prime member and my ex-teacher 7 years ago who loved his car so much that it rubbed off on me (thank you ChopJazz)
DutchBlackNsx- I am here to read and learn and understand and then if I think its still a good idea I ll buy it, but probably post again on what I am going to buy just to make sure I am not forgetting anything. I am just here to learn from you guys and pick your brains on the nsx.
sir yes sir...please

yaynsx said:
I should of known btcog is going to act like that I been in the service long enough to know how many knuckle heads we got. ( Ft Leonardwood been there done that)
hoohah lol hey if I had my uniform on you be saluting me and using the term you know well SIR Sir would you like me to play your favorite movie fast n fake ?? sure brandon now go get me my coffee private lol I AM HERE TO ASK QUESTIONS SO I DONT MAKE MISTAKES

:biggrin: Your first mistake, I would or I should say...YOU WILL NEVER or any officer at the age of 22 talk to me like that...:wink: You've been watching too much TV...I can tell just by your mentality your no officer...Thats SERGEANT to you...squirt
(I've seen more combat then you have changed your underwear in a lifetime...sir:wink:)

Secondly, You can't be in the military as sensitive as you are(thin skin)...:tongue: RULE #1 ...come on "sir," you should know this, "take nothing personal troop"...(thats for officers and enlisted). Classic reason I can't stand officers.

And lastly, the term NOS, yes is a movie wanna' be ricer term, sorry that offended me:mad: and I got a good laugh:biggrin: out of it at the same time. Take care squirt.

Don't take things so personal...:biggrin:
I apologize yaynsx
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See knucle head I knew you couldn't resist posting again (telling me about thick skin). By the way I am not an officer (that was a joke) but am an E-5 sarge and I've seen plenty of action I was only the 50. cal gunner doing M.S.R. routes hit 2 times within 3 months saw 23 of my friends get blown up (hit with sharpenal) ........got my purple heart from the President on CNN at FT Lewis I think I saw enough action plus unless you went to Vietnam I definelty............ but I feel stupid saying so and even coming to your level again but
so you know WHAT LETS DROP IT HOOAH :biggrin:
Remember your rule RULE #1 ...come on "sir," you should know this, "take nothing personal troop":tongue:
yaynsx said:
I want to add a 100 hp nos to my stock nsx with 40k miles what kit can I buy?? Can I get a dual stage one where I can run 75 hp or 100 hp ??
Just about any kit will allow you to run 100shot, take your picks, Zex, NX, NOS. They all have nsx specific kit. If you absolutely want to run nos, it can be done safely. Bottle warmer/blanket is absolute must, it maintain proper bottle pressure, you will not be able to have optimal performance with it. Remote bottle opener and in cabin bottle pressure gauge is also highly recommended. It is possible that remote bottle opener may not always open bottle fully, by having in cabin bottle pressure gauge, you are able to view the bottle pressure, and check and see if bottle is completely open.

Now the ugly part
IMHO, nitrous is simply not worth it. The bottle only last for a few minutes, refilling a bottle ($40) is more costly than filling up gas tank. You can't enjoy it all the time where a Supercharger or Turbo you let to enjoy the power all the time, you can step on it all the time without worry about $$, and running out of nitrous in matter of seconds. The cost/per second of fun ratio of nitrous will scare you away. Unless you just want to use it occassionally at drag strip, I don't see any point.

My recommendation is that use the $500~$800 Nitruous fund towards a good exhaust, you will get some power increase that you can enjoy all the time, and it is 100times more fun than stock exhaust. 99.999% of times it is also 100time more fun than any nitrous kit, nitrous is only fun during that 0.001% of total driving time.

Exhaust/Intake/Header should give you approximately 25~40rwhp increase. My advice is give Autowave or Jon Martin a call and ask for their opinion on running nitrous on NSX. I guarantee you that they will tell you not to do it. NOS can be done safely but it is not completely without risk, if something goes wrong, this is only expensive motor to replace.
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From my personal experience, I really like the nitrous. Yea the turbo's are there all the time, but there is nothing like hitting a button and getting thrown back into your seat. A progressive controller makes it a lot safter on your transmission and half shafts. When installed properly with all the saftey options, it is pretty safe. Just remember to change out your platinum plugs for copper 1 or 2 degree colder. You should check your plugs for discoloration after using it the first few times to make sure you are getting the right mixture if you have a wet kit. I would recommend the wet kit because I don't want to rely on the stock injectors. There was a great write-up posted a few years ago describing in depth the concept of nitrous and how it applies to the NSX.
nsxsupra said:
99.999% of times it is also 100time more fun than any nitrous kit, nitrous is only fun during that 0.001% of total driving time.

I'm not sure what you mean by nitrous only lasts a few seconds:confused: A 10lb bottle is good for several runs of 1st through 4th gears. Mine typically lasted a week or so of sprited street driving and IMO one of the best mods I did. I started with just a 50 shot and progressively got more greedy for speed over the years.:rolleyes: Also if you mount the bottle up front where the spare tire goes you will not need a bottle warmer b/c the heat from the raditor keeps it at a good temp. nsxsupra, you might find a friend that has an nsx with nitrous on it. The NSX reacts VERY strongly to nitrous. It has much more of an impact on the NSX than other cars that I have had with nitrous. A 50-75 shot will actually throw you back in the seat instantly when it is engaged:eek: WHOOOOHOOO:biggrin:
mackash said:
Did you use a wet or dry shot?
I had a wet kit, started with 50 then 75, then dual kits 50/35, then finally dual 50's. do a search for my name and nitrous and I am sure you will find posts on my setup. It worked very well for a long time.
I'm not sure what you mean by nitrous only lasts a few seconds:confused: A 10lb bottle is good for several runs of 1st through 4th gears.
I meant the total driving time. Like you said a 10lb bottle is good for several runs of 1st through 4th gear. Perhaps 2~4 minutes of total run time per bottle. My point is that unlike other mods turbo/super charger, I/H/E etc, that allow you to enjoy the power 100% of time whenever you wish, for however long you like without running out. 2~4 minutes is really only good for track or occassionally street racing situations.

Also if you mount the bottle up front where the spare tire goes you will not need a bottle warmer b/c the heat from the raditor keeps it at a good temp.
That is true, however bottle blanket is still the way to go, you truely get optimimal bottle pressure.
nsxsupra, you might find a friend that has an nsx with nitrous on it. The NSX reacts VERY strongly to nitrous. It has much more of an impact on the NSX than other cars that I have had with nitrous.
I did have experienced the nitrous on NSX the first hand, 75 wet shot.

----Just my personal experience on the discussion, nothing against you at all, please don't take it the wrong way:smile: ----------

75shot definitely give it impressive gain, great confidence boost, I never did disagree about the gain, just not being able to use 100% all the time is the sole negative factor for me.

You are running 50shot, reading from your signature, you are driving turbo NSX, I would imagine, you have virtually no lag with the twin set up. Any amount of nitrous even as small as 20shot is enough for instant spool on a turbo car, in your case probably maximum boost immediately the moment nitrous hits, so you may have experienced bigger hit with 50shot on your NSX thanks to the effect it has on the turbo. The same 50shot on NA NSX will feel weak in my standard.

Quite frankly the gain is probably not as spectacular ason other cars, after all it is a fairly small displacement motor. It will not react as well as Corvette/larger displacement cars, or even turbo cars with huge turbo that use a tiny shot of nitrous to help turbo getting in to postive boost range instantly.

The original poster is a new NSX owner I believe, there are better choices for doing first mods on nsx.