I think my recent NSX purchase became more expensive... (pics+video inside)

So...again...WHO is the dealer...(inquiring minds want to know.)


I'll bet someone on here can dig up dirt on this guy that could give you leverage and/or help you win a case if it goes that far...but they can't dig up skeletons without the business NAME & location...
Curious if OP got the car checked out?

me too.. i'm curious what was the problem to this car... got me parenoid.. i went start up my NSX lol... idles funny with a lil white smoke, maybe because it hasn't been start up for a while and its a lil chilly outside. but it doesn't have the ticking loud sound like his.
Re: I think my recent NSX purchase became mor eexpensive... (pics+video inside)

Huh....I guess I don't need to go to work at BBB anymore as the hundreds of cases I have Arbitrated in the past 20 years must have been nothing more than a dream. Funny thing is I received a paycheck for these dreams. Wierd!

By the way....your explanation makes absolutely no sense as the dealer in your case wouldn't file a complaint with the BBB as you explain...the buyer does!

Not here to argue or tell you that you didn't work for BBB. The buyer was the one who filed the original complaint in our case and we worked with both BBB and the customer to resolve it. Only to be sided with.

If you worked for BBB and you sided with the customer in a situation like this and made the dealer pay, then yes please find a new job.

"AS-IS" mean just that, "AS-IS"! That is why you sign "AS-IS" paperwork. As a customer, you have the right to have the car checked out prior to purchase and if you choose not to do so then it is 100% your fault. At our dealership we actually encouraged customers to take the vehicle off the lot prior to purchase and have them inspected! Cars are not made to last forever and parts do wear and break as with all mechanical things. The dealer cannot be held liable, period! It is also not right to blame them in this situation.

However, I do think that a true and honest dealer should help a customer out in a situation like this. Things happen but the way you keep a customer and gain many more is with customer service. The dealer should be understanding and if they have their own shop should help out with at least the labor (which is usually the cheapest to them and expensive to the customer). This is how you get return customers and word-of-mouth clients (the best kind!).
That sucks. I hope this does not cost to much $. I have owned 3 NSX and have been very lucky that none have been a problem. They all have been 91's and ran great. I feel bad for you because this would really be a downer if it happen to me. If you need to spend tons of cash it should be to mod it out not to make it do what its was supposed to do in the first place. I really hope its not that bad.