I Think My Car Nsx Is Totaled- Bumming Big Time

Sorry for your loss. Glad you are ok. Look at the bright side - you get a new paint job. While they are at it ask them to seal the targa so that you can mod it to a black Type R.:biggrin:

:tongue: :biggrin:
I thank God for saving me and I thank Honda for designing the car to take a seroius blow and allow me to walk away with just my left pinkie slightly hurting.
Thanks to you all for your support.

I must say I've heard alot of stories about NSXs getting into accidents and many people coming out fairly well. It is indeed a well built car. I'm glad the insurance is going to try and fix her up. Keep us posted with the developements. Sounds like she was a hot looking car before, she's gonna be even hotter after:eek:
what section of I-10? because i wrecked my 94 del sol on I-10 in Baton Rouge in almost the same fashion that you did. only replace the camry with "giant potted plant that fell off of a truck". i spun for what seemed like forever and then hit the wall by the Louise St. Exit. carbon fiber was everywhere. i cried and threw up at the same time.
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89117 44 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67767 29 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86862 unknown age
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88554 31 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85927 unknown age

and just what exactly do you consider a 'lower age' demographic? out of the most recent wrecks I found the youngest driver I have seen was 29...

23 here:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I thank God for saving me and I thank Honda for designing the car to take a seroius blow and allow me to walk away with just my left pinkie slightly hurting.
Thanks to you all for your support.

Amen, my friend :smile: God & Honda must have a link of some sort ;)
I can say that there are no atheists in NSX's with 18 wheelers, pickups,and cars skidding towards them at 75 miles an hour.

I am all too familiar with this image... I had the same exact thing happen to me in my first car...(89 Ford Escort GT lol) and did the exact same thing that you did.. an 18 wheeler nearly creamed me. He ran over my front bumper instead..

I wonder if the insurance company will let me take off my extras?

I had a 92 Prelude that was stolen and totaled... the insurance company let me take off all the extra equipment... of course the rims and stereo were toast.. good luck man sorry to hear about your misfortune.
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89117 44 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67767 29 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86862 unknown age
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88554 31 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85927 unknown age

and just what exactly do you consider a 'lower age' demographic? out of the most recent wrecks I found the youngest driver I have seen was 29...

Hey... wait a minute... I'm 23!!!.. 31? WTF?... joking... ok I'm acutally one year less.. can't believe everything you read in the newspaper... I like the one how my car burst into flames etc... LOL :rolleyes:
Do you have data showing what the age demographic is of the majority of wrecked and/or totalled NSXs <snip>
my initial response to bob's posting, too.

seems to me it's likely that age, driving experience, time of day, weather / road conditions, month / season, mods to car (engine, suspension, entertainment all come into play.

maybe a poll wrt age? if you've had an accident while driving on a public / non-racing road in your nsx, at the time of the accident were you:

<20 YO
45-older than dirt
I can say that there are no atheists in NSX's with 18 wheelers, pickups,and cars skidding towards them at 75 miles an hour.

Yep, and there are no atheists on judgement day either :smile:

Nonetheless, sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully the insurance will cover you appropriately and you will take the money and your learnings in something bigger and better.
On a positive note, if the car is totaled there is a silver 2005 NSX at Acura of Baton Rouge with like 8 thousand miles on it. I'll just have to walk in there and put down 25k on that baby and start doing mods on it as I go. They want like 70 or 75k for the car, but, I do auto finance for a living and I know they probably got between 8 and 13 grand room to move on it. I'll just go in there and low ball 'em (start at 58k), and negotiate from there.
who knows, it might be an aged unit that they really want to move. I know I won't get it for 58,but, what is the realistic value for an 05 with 8k miles on it? I'd be willing to bet that they stole it on trade in and they are not in it more than 63 or 64k.
Or, I'll buy off of ebay like I did my first one. Those new ones are so expensive.
I'm not trying to stir the pot here, I'm just saying... It is a FACT that with the NSX getting older, and the price dropping to sub-30k now, there are ALOT more younger people buying them. Younger people have more accidents. Whether you like to admit it or not, it's the truth. That's why auto insurance is more expensive when you're younger. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that's why the OP crashed, just making an observation. So those of you that jumped on me, get your panties out of wad and accept that there are going to be plenty more totalled NSX's in the near future :tongue:

And, there are plenty of Prime members that can vouch for the fact that I'm not an old fart. I'm probably in the lower median age on this board, and LOOK younger than MOST people here... :biggrin:
exactly same thing happend yesterday afternoon 3pm, it was raining and the i was doing 50 miles. i slammed my brake otherwise i will get nail by 18wheeler. i did 540 degree on I-10 by Lake charles 210 loop. when i get the traction back and facein the right way, got rear end by a chevy truck. anyway, luckly no one hurts but it could be worest.