I Think My Car Nsx Is Totaled- Bumming Big Time

14 February 2006
After 4 loving years of owning my NSX and finally getting it set up like I wanted it, I got in an unfortuanate one car accident on I-10 in Baton Rouge
Saturday morning.
I was hauling ass to work and I put on my blinker to make a lane change when another unidentified light blue Camry decided they wanted to go where I was going, never seeing me, and when I tried to get back over another car was on my right. I was trapped and had to slam on the brakes while my car was pitched at an sharp angle. As I remember it, I whipped the wheel to the right, and, at that point the physics of the mid engine brought the rear around and into a spin I went. I was blessed as I managed to miss contact with all other vehicles,but, unfortuanately, my car met the retaining wall with a violent crash and it ripped my HP EVO's to pieces and tore up that side of the car pretty well. I then spun around 3 more times and ended up in the middle of six lanes pointed in the wrong direction. I can say that there are no atheists in NSX's with 18 wheelers, pickups,and cars skidding towards them at 75 miles an hour.
There is definite damage to the suspension. It is a 95 that I bought with about 50K on it. It presently has 126K on it.
I just had the stage 2 Pseudophile SOS stereo with a top of the line Kenwood head put in it. I also had Comptech headers, JGTC Parallel Exit Exhaust, Cantrell cold air intake, Sirius satellite radio,and I have a new leather kit still in the box (black) with the perforated inserts, NSX insignia headrests, and the perforated door inserts at the house. I am bumming, looking for another black,black, 95 or 96 on ebay and prime.
I asked the insurance people if I could take all my extra gear off if I produce receipts. She did not have an answer for me . I also have the dark tailights with the "H" in the middle. They really looked good on a shiny black NSX. I figure I had about 11 grand worth of goodies on it and quite frankly, I want my extras back. If I decide to wait to get another NSX, I might be selling some of this stuff.
I wonder if the insurance company will let me take off my extras?
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You should'nt have to ask that. If you added it then by all means take it off. Sorry about the wreck.
Sorry to hear about your luck, on the other hand it's good to hear you are okay. In regards to the insurance question that you asked, you should be able to take off everything aftermarket as long as you replace it with the original stuff. The insurance company only insured the car as original unless you asked for additional coverage. They may try to argue with you but I have done this several times in the; actually I helped others and in the end the insurance company gives in.

If they try and strong arm you tell them they should expect a call from your attorney soon, this normally changes their mind. This threat though should only be used as a last resort - I've only had to use it one time.

Good luck!!!
I am sorry to hear that, but i am glad you are ok.

I think you need to remove the extras before the insurance co. checks it out unless you can work out something with your agent. Most of the time they are only concerned with the major items when the car is totaled. Stuff like the stereo they should let you change out but you will need to put all the old parts back in (or on).
I completely agree with ^^^^.
You have every right to take those items off your car.
I wouldn't necessarily tell the insurance company WHAT you have on it but rather just tell them you have things.
I'm not advocating this but if they are giving you a hard time about doing that, find out where the car is being stored at and see if you can get access to it. I don't have to tell you why.:wink:
Trust me, I deal with body shops all the time that have totalled cars in thier yard and owners come and get belongings out of them.
Good luck with that and VERY sorry to hear about accident.
At least you are injured....or are you?
Sorry to hear about your luck, on the other hand it's good to hear you are okay. In regards to the insurance question that you asked, you should be able to take off everything aftermarket as long as you replace it with the original stuff. The insurance company only insured the car as original unless you asked for additional coverage. They may try to argue with you but I have done this several times in the; actually I helped others and in the end the insurance company gives in.

If they try and strong arm you tell them they should expect a call from your attorney soon, this normally changes their mind. This threat though should only be used as a last resort - I've only had to use it one time.

Good luck!!!

Ditto. You should be able to pull all mods, but the insurance company may want you to put back all the OEM parts. Cars can be replaced, but you can't. Glad that you are OK. Good luck.
I'm very sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are ok. I certainly can relate to how you must be feeling because I also had an accident, last Saturday.
I'm very sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are ok. I certainly can relate to how you must be feeling because I also had an accident, last Saturday.
In your NSX? Man that sucks. You are the 3rd person to post they had a accident on saturday. :frown:

Hope everyone is ok.
Sorry to hear about...hopefully you weren't hurt in the accident!! You should be able to get all your stuff back!!
After 4 loving years of owning my NSX and finally getting it set up like I wanted it, I got in an unfortuanate one car accident on I-10 in Baton Rouge
Saturday morning.
I was hauling ass to work and I put on my blinker to make a lane change when another unidentified light blue Camry decided they wanted to go where I was going, never seeing me, and when I tried to get back over another car was on my right. I was trapped and had to slam on the brakes while my car was pitched at an sharp angle. As I remember it, I whipped the wheel to the right, and, at that point the physics of the mid engine brought the rear around and into a spin I went. I was blessed as I managed to miss contact with all other vehicles,but, unfortuanately, my car met the retaining wall with a violent crash and it ripped my HP EVO's to pieces and tore up that side of the car pretty well. I then spun around 3 more times and ended up in the middle of six lanes pointed in the wrong direction. I can say that there are no atheists in NSX's with 18 wheelers, pickups,and cars skidding towards them at 75 miles an hour.
There is definite damage to the suspension. It is a 95 that I bought with about 50K on it. It presently has 126K on it.
I just had the stage 2 Pseudophile SOS stereo with a top of the line Kenwood head put in it. I also had Comptech headers, JGTC Parallel Exit Exhaust, Cantrell cold air intake, Sirius satellite radio,and I have a new leather kit still in the box (black) with the perforated inserts, NSX insignia headrests, and the perforated door inserts at the house. I am bumming, looking for another black,black, 95 or 96 on ebay and prime.
I asked the insurance people if I could take all my extra gear off if I produce receipts. She did not have an answer for me . I also have the dark tailights with the "H" in the middle. They really looked good on a shiny black NSX. I figure I had about 11 grand worth of goodies on it and quite frankly, I want my extras back. If I decide to wait to get another NSX, I might be selling some of this stuff.
I wonder if the insurance company will let me take off my extras?

Sorry to hear of your accident :( In regards to the 'extras', I believe it really depends on your insurance policy. I took out a side policy for such, which I had learned the hard way. I had a $5k stereo system in one of my cars several years ago, and when it was stolen, I only received 1/2 that amount in reimbursement. It sounds that you were not the one ticketed with the accident, so if you have your receipts, you may gain reimbursement through the person at fault's insurance company.

p.s. Why do you state 'totaled' ? Sounds as if it is only cosmetic and/or some suspension damage...

In any case, best wishes...


That's horrible, and after four years of ownership, the NSX becomes closer to you the longer you own one. Everything should work out with the insurance. I know how difficult it is to drive on the road with other idiots. You did good to prevent hitting anyone else. The best of luck to you. Btw, I hope no one starts to flame you.

I was involved in an accident with my NSX because someone pulled out in front of me from a parking lot as I was driving at about 35 mph in the rain on US1. I was in the right lane of this 3 lane road. When the person pulled out in front of me, had I slammed on the brakes I would've definitely hit them. I swerved to the middle lane to avoid hitting them but that sent my car into a fishtail then a spin. I almost saved her from the spin but she made it across the road and bumped my left rear rim, bending it. I got some support from fellow prime member; however, I got alot of flames from other NSX prime insulting me:frown: . So, keep a stiff upper lip if this happens. It's nice to see most people are supportive towards you.:smile:
read: lower age demographic.

http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89117 44 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67767 29 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86862 unknown age
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88554 31 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85927 unknown age

and just what exactly do you consider a 'lower age' demographic? out of the most recent wrecks I found the youngest driver I have seen was 29...
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89117 44 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67767 29 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86862 unknown age
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88554 31 yr old
http://nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85927 unknown age

and just what exactly do you consider a 'lower age' demographic? out of the most recent wrecks I found the youngest driver I have seen was 29...

Young punks!!! me < 29 :biggrin:

Glad your ok! Don't worry, the NSX can be replaced.....with another NSX ofcourse. Good luck!

p.s. Why do you state 'totaled' ? Sounds as if it is only cosmetic and/or some suspension damage...

In any case, best wishes...


I was going exactly there before Mermi chimed in.

You should definitely look into why you feel the car is totaled. Do contact the insurance company and see if they will work with you to avoid having it totaled even if their first response is to do so. Considering it's a special interest car, it can't hurt to point this out to the insurance company and ask if you can work something out so that it is not totaled, then repaired, and put back into your longing hands.

Failing that, you may be able to purchase the car back from the insurance company even if it is totaled, then you'd be free to remove parts as you wish for installation on the next one you buy, and part out the rest.

In any case, good luck and keep us posted.
read: lower age demographic.

Do you have data showing what the age demographic is of the majority of wrecked and/or totalled NSXs or are you just having a bad day?

The one's I've personally seen wrecked were owned by people in the 40-55 age group.

For those of you who have recently had an accident in your NSX, hopefully everything works out for you soon.
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Thanks for all of the support. The insurance company has taken the car to then best shop in town and it looks as if they are going to attempt to fix it. I really hope they can fix it because I am going to go ahead and have them repaint and refinish the remainder of the car at my expense so that it will look better than it did prior to the accident. It is black with black interior.
Despite the fact that it is a 95, with the 19 inch HP EVO's in the rear and the 18's in the front, and lowered one inch, with the dark tailights and the "H" badging on the front and rear, I get 5 to 15 compliments and questions about the car a day. It is friggin ridiculous how many people in this town are freaked out about this car. I thank God for saving me and I thank Honda for designing the car to take a seroius blow and allow me to walk away with just my left pinkie slightly hurting.
Thanks to you all for your support.
Sorry about loss.

BUt I am glad that you are alright!

Good Luck with everything, and dont forget prime is here for yea buddy!
and just what exactly do you consider a 'lower age' demographic? out of the most recent wrecks I found the youngest driver I have seen was 29...

I consider that younger:wink:
Sorry for your loss. Glad you are ok. Look at the bright side - you get a new paint job. While they are at it ask them to seal the targa so that you can mod it to a black Type R.:biggrin: